Ausschnitt, Teil, Stück, Fragment - and so on…
My, you are courageous, aren’t you? Putting Google Wave and ad nauseam into one sentence… if Google ever reads this…
Ausschnitt, Teil, Stück, Fragment - and so on…
My, you are courageous, aren’t you? Putting Google Wave and ad nauseam into one sentence… if Google ever reads this…
So, digging this one out - again, I might add.
Any news? Can we start localizing?
When 2.0 is ready… Sorry. It just makes sense to wait until the 2.0 interface is finalised. At that point, I’ll post here and ask for anyone still interested in helping out localising the interface into other languages - for which I will be very grateful!
Italian, here I am for localization…
Just a question about this: localization is not only translation of menus and windows, sometimes grammar and typography have differences from language to language; is there some magical trick in the code you’re writing about to cope with this? (i.e., “Capitalize ‘i’” is a good option to set for english writer, but in other languages it must be put off)
Capitalize “i” can already be turned off individually via the Preferences.
If any help is needed for the german localization I’ll help the best I can 8)
Hello Keith and every people in the forum. I’m in love with Scrivener. Tried it in a friend’s computer and now I’m moving to mac. Soon I’ll get a license. Please count me among the spanish translators.
I know, I discovered it after a while, but what I mean is a little different; is there some way to implement a sort of set of default preferences for each language? Personal configuration of Scrivener is a “una tantum” action and however not a time-consuming problem, but it could be useful for new users.
Best regards,
This is my first time posting on this forum but I have been reading it for some time now.
Any news on Scrivener translation ? I volunteer for French (my first language) if help is needed even if I saw some French people offerings yet.
Hello and thank you for your lovely software.
Are the localizations planned for French or not for now ? I volunteer for French translations too, my first language. This software should be better with all those localizations.
Thanks again, for all your job.
Yeah, please provide the XML-files for localising. We can split the work for each language via a special forum thread for each language (and also could discuss there what would be the best translation for special items).
I volunteer for german.
Please provide the XML-files, Keith.
It’s not that simple, I’m afraid. The file you would need is a .strings file, but you would also need all the uncompiled .nib file interface files and to install the developer tools to open them. It’s an involved process and we want to go through the developer documentation on localisation to ensure that we provide everything that is needed, and that we can get everything back into Scrivener. Although it should only take us about a week to go through everything (I hope) and set everything up that needs setting up, we’re all a bit swamped at the moment. Localisation is a high priority for us, though, now that 2.0 is out. The plan is to start in on it once the Windows version is out.
I do like the idea of setting up a sub-forum for this, though, and posting the files and information necessary there. That would mean that those who want to translate could collaborate on it, rather than us try to pick somebody to do each one and not have any idea how well they have translated things because of our own poor language skills.
Thanks for wanting to help! We really appreciate it - please bear with us, we will get to this as soon as we can.
All the best,
I’ll be glad to help with ITALIAN language. String translation or language revision. It’s not my first experience… Just let me know.
Great software with great potential. This language issue is the only big problem i’ve encountered so far.
Keep up the good work!
Auch ich schließe mich dem Wunsch nach einer sprachlichen Anpassungsmöglichkeit des Programmes an. Für meine Belange wäre eine deutsche Bedienoberfläche sehr sehr passend.
i would find it good to have a german User Interface. … (i know its terrible English … )
Love, love Scrivener. I write mostly in English, but also use it to write in Norwegian. Grammar check option is sorely missed! Pleeease? I see the Danes and Swedes have managed to get in on the list, we need Norwegian too!
The grammar check is all built in to OS X itself, so there’s no way for me to localise that, sorry. I’m surprised Apple don’t provide Norwegian grammar check, though.
All the best,
Sorry if I seem a bit tedious. I bump this post just after reading the Scrivener status in facebook. It says Scrivener for Windows beta 0.2.5 is going to be the last one. If everything goes fine, does it mean Scrivener for Windows will be released soon? Could we expect some kind of collaborative translation project starting in a few months?
September perhaps? :mrgreen:
And even this topic needs to be reincarnated, polished and invigorated once in a while…
Localisation was one of our top priorities for this year, and here we are in September. Embarrassingly, much work has already been done on Italian and German translations for the Windows version, I believe, while we have yet to start properly with the Mac version. It is now a high priority, though, I promise!
Ah, sweet outlook.
Purely coincidental I revisited one of my rather ancient topics [url]]
Seems they are still in business (while making the obvious point: me nagging since 2007)