Large cursor and double-underlined spelling errors

Hey everyone. I’m getting the thick cursor in Scrivener after upgrading to Sequoia. I wasn’t having this problem in Sonoma. It’s not appearing in any other applications except Scrivener. So, of course, if anyone has any workarounds, that would be awesome.

The other weird thing is that now Scrivener is double-underlining spelling errors. I haven’t seen other people posting about this bug, but perhaps it’s related to the cursor thickness bug?

Of course, I’m looking for a fix for both, but I appreciate any troubleshooting tips.

If you are referring to the thickness, the cursor thing isn’t a bug, and if you’ve never seen it before, you perhaps only use a few programs that use native Mac text editing interfaces.

Otherwise though, it should be shorter than that, and the other thing would also be a good clue to make sure you’re up to date with Scrivener (for one thing it applies fixes to cursor height, as Apple seems to want it to be as tall as the whole line rather than just the visible text, kind of like this).

Interesting. The cursor isn’t as thick in Pages; it seems to adapt to the zoom, and it isn’t as tall as the line height. I don’t mind the color.

Any insight on why the red underlining is doubled?

I’ll check if my Scrivener is up to date. Thanks!

ETA: I’ve been using the latest version of Scrivener, so updating doesn’t seem to be the issue. Argh.

Yeah, this was noted in that same thread I linked too, by someone else. The short answer is: Apple can do whatever they want to do. The rest of us cannot. :slight_smile: It’s funny though, as ti suggests that someone in a different department of Apple evidently thinks the default cursor looks ridiculous too, and made their little revolt.

As for line height, we are doing what we can to fix that part of it, as it’s the one thing we can do (and even that was a nightmare of duct tape), but some kinds of line height cannot be adjusted for as well as others. Perhaps you are using “exactly” type height instead of the multiplier? You can check in Format ▸ Paragraph ▸ Line and Paragraph Spacing... if you are unsure. If you can get away with using the multiplier setting alone at the top, that works best—some things do require the other settings though, like heavy use of inline images or sup/superscript text.

The spelling thing is the weirdest part, I’ve never seen anything like that before. It is showing that way in all projects, like even the interactive tutorial?

Thanks for the quick replies!

So, I’m not using the “Exactly” type height.

And the double-underline isn’t appearing in the tutorial. But is appearing in other projects apart from the one where I first noticed it. It’s not a major problem, but it is weird.

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Try clearing the “15.0” to “0.0”, in the At least setting. “Exactly” was an example, I suspect any of those four settings may not be as easy to work with for this cursor height adjustment, but the only one I checked was “Exactly”.

It looks to me like the 1.5 multiplier works fine until one of the the other options overrides it, so if “15” is bigger than 1.5 then you start setting the effects of it. If it is less than that, then the cursor looks like it should.

By the way, I got the spell check doubling effect with these settings, too. So clearing out that setting may fix that for you too (and that would explain why the tutorial is fine).

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I tried all those things and… I’m still getting the weird doubling effect in my existing projects. I even reset formatting to defaults. I opened a new project and got the doubling effect there as well. It’s not that big a deal, but it is odd that the doubling is happening in new projects but not in the interactive tutorial.

Okay, I think it was a coincidence with the formatting. I just noticed the other thing I changed at that time was zooming up from 100% since you mentioned zooming in Pages, as I wanted to see it and TextEdit together. Here is TextEdit:

So this what Apple thinks the cursor should look like (at least outside of the iWork division). We’ve cut that down as much as we can, but evidently anyway it is supposed to get massively fat when zooming.

Zoom is something I ordinarily never mess with in Scrivener since the font size can be arbitrary. Might as well just make it bigger if you want bigger text, as the compiler can fix all of that. You get far fewer display glitches and bugs in my experience, as the text engine’s zoom code is pretty fragile (the amount of duct tape we have on top of it to fix known problems may well cause other problems too).

But yes, I did have a dim memory of having seen this before, and found the thread on it. As I suspected, this can’t actually be fixed by us since its coming out of the text engine that way. We’d probably have to switch to how TextEdit zooms, which would be infuriating after about 40 seconds of writing. :slight_smile:

All of this is super interesting and helpful! The zoom vs. text size definitely mitigates the double-underline phenomenon. I would have never considered that! It also helps with the thick cursor thing, too.

Thanks for all the insight!