You mean in the way that responses to my post have been? People interpreted my message as hostile and insulting, though it wasn’t put down that way, and in response were openly hostile and insulting, no interpretation needed. None see the irony in castigating me for not being differential enough in their oh so humble opinion.
Interesting, nobody has commented on the actual bug, only my expression. The reason I put “Am I the only one having this problem?” is because I was wondering, well, was anyone else having the problem?! I’d looked through the thread and hadn’t seen any comments on it, and I’d looked in the manual to see if anything had changed. I worked hard not report something that was only unique to me or a lack of understanding on my part. I think I was skeptical that it was a true error for everyone because, as I said in my last post, it pretty much makes it impossible to write and revise with the software as it is.
Let me state that again, so it sinks in - the software cannot be used to write and revise due to this error.
And before you say, yes it can, ask yourself, are you writing with it? Are you writing a couple of hours a day on a novel with 3.0? If you aren’t, which is the point of the software, maybe you are unplaying the importance of the flaw rather than assuming that I am overplaying it.
The software doesn’t perform its main function because of this flaw…I don’t say this to be difficult, but helpful.
So, maybe take your own advice, if you all are so wonderful, next time say, “Hey, MHTritter, I checked it out and it did the same thing for me [or didn’t, that would be interesting too]. I’m not sure if you meant to express anger, but it came across that way.” and leave it at that. As you say – Simply report the issue and impact. Carry on.
(which is what I thought I did).
I have more time to debate my communication style if you do, btw. I visit this page as a break from my actual writing. You know, the thing we supposedly use Scriviner for.