License manager ended unexpectedly

Me 2…

Guys, can you please report the Windows version you are using. Are you all using Windows 7?

I’m using Windows 8.1, but I didn’t have the “License manager ended unexpectedly” problem so far, it only takes much longer to start the program. But I also don’t use Scrivener every day, so it might not have triggered the 2 month period yet?

I’m seeing the same error. Windows 10 Pro x64. Everything is up to date with Windows and Scrivener.

I also have scrivener on another Windows computer (Also running 10, x64). I received a message on that computer asking me to validate the license, or something like that. (Sorry to be vague.) I don’t get the error on that computer.

Do you receive the error every time you start Scrivener, or sometimes? The startup delay is due to the missing activation verification. Once we sort this out, the startup delay will be also gone.

Another question. Can I ask, what is your physical location(country), guys? This might help us pinpoint the problem to some country specific license server.


I’m in Austria. And I get the delay every time.

Do you also get the error message every time, Rubinstein?


No, I just get a delay of about 9 seconds. (Blank window; sometimes there’s “Not Responding” in the window title.)

I’m in the Netherlands, and have three instances of Scrivener, two on Win10, one on Win7. All of them give the ‘Activation Verification’ error (“Cannot verify successful activation date”) on startup. I have had some startup delays earlier, but they seem to have diminished somehow.
I also did get the typical .NET error message once or twice on each machine a few days back. but it will not reproduce at this moment.
I have all my machines up-to-date as far as .NET is concerned (I’m a Visual Studio user as well).

I’m on Win10 Home in the UK & I get this message every day when I first log in. If I log out & back in during the same day, I don’t get the message.

I get the same message every day. I’m using Windows 10.

Hi All,

We managed to pinpoint the problem. Before releasing it to public, I would like to ask you to test it first and report your results.

This is a Dropbox link to a archive file with the Scrivener.exe inside: …

Please, close Scrivener, extract the archive contents and replace the Scrivener.exe file within your Scrivener installation folder with the file extracted from the archive.

Start Scrivener as usual. You should no longer receive the nag messages. We tested it internally and it worked, but would be thankful to verify it with a small group of users before we publish the official release to a wider audience. Looking forward for the results of your tests.

Thank You in advance!

doesn’t work…

@Ange7: Can you please run ScrivenerLog.bat as Administrator. This will generate a log file within the “log” sub folder. Please, upload the log file or the console output. Thanks.

This is what I got back:

Cannot open project within the Scrivener installation folder.

Please, close Scrivener and move your project folder outside of the Scrivener installation folder. After moving the project you will be able to load the project as usual from its new location.

Project folder: “C:/Program Files (x86)/Scrivener/–log”
Scrivener folder: “C:/Program Files (x86)/Scrivener”

This is a totally different issue due to your project being in the Scrivener installation folder. Close Scrivener and follow the instructions and move your project to your Desktop or Documents folder for example.

…I do not have a project folder in my installation folder…the only thing I put in there was the Scrivener.exe…

Debug: “Sat Sep 7 10:55:55 2019” "

Application: Scrivener
Build: Release

Executable: Scrivener.exe
Compiler: MSVC.NET 1600
Qt-Compiled: 4.8.6
Qt-Runtime: 4.8.6
Windows Version: Unknown Windows Version
Created: Sep 4 2019 16:38:17
Debug: Runtime Location: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener”
Debug: Installed Location: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener”

Debug: Loading project: “C:/Users/ange7/Desktop/_ Backup.scriv”
Critical: QWin32PrintEngine::initialize: OpenPrinter failed (The printer name is invalid.)
Critical: QWin32PrintEngine::initialize: OpenPrinter failed (The printer name is invalid.)
Debug: Scrivener: loading document ID: 94 : “3”

  1. I renamed my original Program Files (x86) / Scrivener.exe file to Scrivener_OLD.exe.

  2. Copied the Scrivener.exe file from your extracted download to Program Files (x86) / Scrivener.

  3. I’ve opened the x86 version multiple times with your new Scrivener.exe file.The program opens normally for me. The delay (10 seconds or so) in opening the program (the blank white screen) is gone for my system.

  4. I can’t speak to the nag screen notices that others report. I had that happen only a couple of times.

Thank You, Twolane! This is comforting.
@Ange7: Please, start another thread, if you still experience the open project in installation folder issue. It is not related to this licensing problem and would like to avoid discussing it in this thread.