You can already use Grammerly with Scrivener. There isn’t anything for L&L to do to make that happen. Well at least on my MacOS it works, I stopped using MS Windows a few years ago.
Unfortunately the release is likely to be early next year now. We’re not going to say or show anything more until it’s nearly ready for release, purely to avoid frustration for everybody.
Thanks for the interest!
All the best,
Can you at least tell us the app’s name?
When I worked in software development new versions and products were given a code name. The official name was only revealed on product launch or update released.
Call it Project Presley, nice and alliterate, and we’ll all be able to identify with it someday.
Maybe Project Scribble?
I’m certainly keen to see what this new app will be like. I hope they learn the lessons from other devs from a certain app, and while iCloud sync is a welcome feature, I hope they don’t restrict WHERE the backups are saved like this other app does - that’s a fail on the part of the other app. Also - backups properly saved in the cloud, not locally…ANOTHER mistake made by said other app haha!
Anyway - eyes peeled on the future
I’m a fan of the name Scribble. It would be a fitting part of the Scrivener and Scapple family.
I would doubt that KB selects that as Scribble is feature of iPadOS when using an Apple Pencil for handwriting and have iPadOS make sense of it.
AND, it might already have a great name!
Scribbner is my vote.
Don’t think there was ever any suggestion of a popularity contest vote for the name.
As I posted above, it MIGHT already have a great name.
But of course. ‘I see nothing… I know nothing!!!’
Hehe “is my vote” is more of a saying than thinking there was an actual contest. Maybe it’s not a saying any longer.