NiaD Episode VI: Return of the NiaD

Yay, welcome back neomarsu!

Ooh! Cool! I’ll be wearing mine on the day too! We’re T-shirt buddies!

Yeah, I can’t wait to see how y’all grow and develop them, and just how badly you’re all prepared to mistreat them!

Warning: Novel in a Day can become addictive!

Can I send my entry as a Word document attachment to an email or a post? I can’t remember what I did last time!

Yes! Send your chapter to the email address that send ms you your brief on Saturday. A Word doc is fine!

hides under the desk in the corner You guyyys! I’m scared! What if Saturday comes and all the words in my brain turn to gibberish?

Should that happen to you, while you will feel doomed, I will be happy to find myself “not alone” drifting aimlessly on a wordless sea while a plot floats above me uncaught and out of reach, my feeble mental hardware unable to grasp and wrestle it into a condition recognizable by anyone. Such is the danger of NiaD. Beware to the one that enters unaware.

But I’m sure I will be alone. Again. At least Vic-k will come visit me. Even if it is only to see how fresh the salt and lemon juice are… :wink:

Yes. Very. :smiley:

No. Wondering why I agreed to take my one free-ish Saturday in a two-month run of stressful weekends and spend it stretching my boundaries.

Unless you count that as excited, in which case, sure!

How did it go from safely “sometime in the future” to THIS WEEKEND???

I’ll assume your wonky/crappy keyboard thinks —> … is actually tequila … right?
Good Luck on Sat :wink:

Taquilla rubbed in wounds is less annoying than salt and lemon juice. But all three together and you and I would have a good time!

Hi there

Do you still have space available?

You can check out some of my stuff on Scribophile to check if you think I might be of an acceptable standard to participate.

Thank you!
Kim :slight_smile:

Piggy, can you please have this plot a bit more “real” this year? Say, set on a tropical island, natural springs flowing with rum, scotch, and brandy. The main characters should be believable this time… say a talking dolphin, a singing seagull, and Vic-k. You should be able to do something with that. Plus, I’ve already got my chapter done for that story.

Y’ wanna be careful, numpt, or you could have piggy thinking, " Holy Mother of Zeus! Worrava let meself in for this time?

Maybe that’s my goal… Did you think of that?

I do have one issue I am watching my son do the iron man in Luxembourg on sunday travelling early tomorrow morning, I had forgot about that so I am keeping fingers crossed that I have internet long enough somewhere to download and to resend when done :blush:

Is it normal to feel nervous/terrified about this, in that ‘oh my god, have I bitten off more than I can chew?’ kinda way?

Well, a little bit … kindda like 5,987,090,564,000.000[size=150]%[/size] normal give or take 0.000000001%
This is your psyching up process in action 8) You’ll be OK big time!
Good Luck,

As vic-k said, only for normal people. Which is why he and I don’t. Oh wait… I do. But vic-k doesn’t. There maybe other reasons for that though.

Hey Kimkneen! Yes! Welcome to Novel in a Day (well, Novella in a Day this time)! I’ve sent you a private message on this forum with a couple of questions so I know where to send the briefing pack, etc.

Oh absolutely. That’s exactly how I’m feeling right now!?!

Incidentally, if any of you are on Instagram, I might be doing a couple of “live stories” through the day, depending on stress levels and how good my hair looks. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:
You’ll need to follow to get notifications of going live.

Just saw this…
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