NiaD X

The local dolphin that I’ve been working with in character development wants to know if he can be credited as a contriving author. I told him you are reasonable but he insisted on verification. What say you?

The dolphin is more than welcome to submit her/his own chapter if she/he is capable of passing the writing standard test.

Squeeeekikkikgrrrrsqueee wants to know if you prefer direct telepathy or have a preferred language/dialect for the submission. He assumes you are limited to earth based languages but feels he can accommodate. I asked him how he would manage to type and email the submission. His exact response was “only the one you call piggy need be concerned with that pending discomfort”.

I feel Squeeeekikkikgrrrrsqueee my be becoming slightly annoyed. I urge caution…

I’ve seen Johnny Mnemonic. I’m not worried.

I’ve done 3Day Novel and I’ve done Nano, I would love to join this crazy world of One Day novel, with your permission of course.

Hi . I would love to participate in the Novel In A Day. I have filled the sign up sheet. I hope I get through.


I’d like to play!

I’d like to play as well… I have sent you the required “electrical mail message” via the contact form on the NiaD site… let me know if you don’t get it :slight_smile:

How does quantum mechanics effect the daily life choices of adults with ADHD?*

[size=50]* No dolphins were harmed in the forming of this message[/size]

Oh, well that settles that then.
Sometimes it’s important to have the little details clarified.

Sounds fun, I’d like to be involved!

Figpender still pending on this one, but I think I know the answer:

Quantum mechanics teaches us that at the sub-sub-atomic level we are all ADHD (also surprisingly flavorful). And, by the way, quantum mechanics predicted that we would all go 100% online — just like it happened.* This is called the failure of locality. I remain

Stochastically Yours,

  • Can also explain why the sky and the dolphins in it are blue.

Great! I can see a bunch of things come in from the contact form – I’ll go through them at my next coffee break!

I am very interested in participating!

I want to participate! :slight_smile:

Oh goodness… I’m so glad I’m not too late! I definitely want in, please and thank you.

I’m in, all in.
Love a good reason to wake up early these days 8)

I’d love to take part this year (and for a change I’m not declaring this only a few days before it happens!)

Is it the 10th yet? Is it the 10th yet? Is it the 10th yet?

It is always happy hour somewhere in the world. It surely follows that it must also be the 10th somewhere.