If my Insert key isn’t working, how can I control Insert / Overtype mode?
I’m not at my computer, but I’m pretty sure windows has a keyboard shortcut for it. Search windows for theirs shortcuts.
Edit - not sure if you also need to change a setting in Scrivener
I answered you on this the other day.
Insert mode indicator - Scrivener / Scrivener for Windows - Literature & Latte Forums (literatureandlatte.com)
Is this a question about Scrivener? It sounds like you are saying your hardware is broken and you need an alternate way of toggling Insert mode—but that is something better searched for on the Web as a whole. Here’s one of the first results I got, when searching for “windows toggle insert without dedicated key”.
Is there a way to control Insert mode in Scrivener’s editor if my Insert key ain’t working?
If your keyboard does not have a dedicated Insert key, the numeric keypad’s “0” key should be labeled “0 Ins”, so if you press the NumLock key, that numeric keypad key becomes an Insert key.
Thanks, BClarke. That’ll do till I can get it fixed – or, get a new laptop!!!