Novel-in-a-Day 3: With a Vengeance

I would LOVE to participate again! Am I on time? Say yes, please!

Last year was incredibly satisfying and fun, I’d hate to miss it.

DAMMIT, there’s two endings I can’t use anymore! :smiley:

He’d probably have a go.

Yup, you are on time! Although, we’ve half filled the spots up and only been open for business for short while.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I’m hoping to be in a better mood this year.

To tell you the truth, I’d be quite ready and willing to be the cause of your torture and bad moods again because it was so much fun. I’d feel guilty about it, but briefly.

'Cause that’s writing for you: a world full of cruelty and pain. For some.

(And I’m in! YAY!)

Out of curiosity, how many people do you need?

(Friends can be such a mixed blessing.)

Good question. I don’t know exactly yet. The last two times I’ve sliced up the plot to fit the number of participants which has just happened to be 25 each time.

This time I’m doing it slightly little differently: I’m going to take the plot and divide it into sections first, and then fit the number of participants around that. I expect it to be roughly the same, somewhere in the 24-30 region. If we end up with too many participants, the last few to sign up will miss out, unfortunately. If we have too few participants, I’ll either combine a couple of chapters together or aggressively pursue extra contributors. I’m really not expecting this to be the problem, though!

In other words, to be confident of being in, you should make sure you are in the first 24 spots. After that, I’ll be adding people to the ‘reservelist’ instead if the ‘inlist’, in order of sign-up instead of alphabetical.

I’d love to offer to join in, but circumstances are against me ;(

Hi, I just arrive here by accident but I’d love to participate on it. I’m from Spain and I’ m scared of not to have a perfect english, may this be a problem? Thank you.

I am not a native speaker either; if the additional editing is something that can be dealt with, I’d like to reserve a spot. :slight_smile:


I’m all in. Oh, sorry, wrong game. Yes, I’d like to participate again this year.

I think having the slightly ‘different’ styles from non-native English speakers would be charming. :slight_smile:

OTOH if it concerns the writer, or Pigfender, or whoever: if you can promise to get your piece in a couple of hours before the deadline, I’d be happy to give it a fast going over and tweak grammar or word order or whatever as needed.

You could send your piece to me, I tweak and send it back to you so that you can check in case I changed your meaning in some way, and then you could sub to Pigfender.

I’d like to join in please if it would be possible to have a 6-9pm UK time slot for submission. Thanks.

I’ve been holding on to caution, but the wind is picking up, so I kicked it into the gale (hope the special lady-friend doesn’t do the same to me).

I’m in if there’s a slot available.

Midnight UK = GMT right? So for people in the US Central (Standard?)* Time, that’s -6 hours(?), so 6pm on Friday, Oct 18. The ending then being 8pm GMT = 2pm Central.

*Stupid “Daylight Savings” messing with the otherwise simple base 24 math!

Well, this certainly seems an appropriate moment to tell you about the level of editing that goes into the NiaD. There are two distinct phases, and which one you fall into depends on when you submit your finished chapter…

The deadline for submissions is 8pm, UK time. Anything received by this point will go through the following reviews steps:

  • The chapter is imported into Scrivener. Scene breaks (###) are replaced with document splits (Ctrl+K), and the format is converted to my own screen preference for editing, using Convert Formatting To Default Style. Italics and bold are retained.
  • Bold text will get stared at for a few seconds. Potentially with a slightly confused expression on face.
  • The section undergoes a fast review for consistency with the briefing. Starting too early or ending too late will result in a quick removal of the offending sections. At this point, any other deviations from the brief are probably here to stay.
  • Bold text converted to normal text. Then to text in full caps. Then back to bold.
  • Judgement call made on the bold. History would suggest it becomes normal text.

Anything received after 8pm but before midnight will still be included in the book. However, due to time constraints it will only undergo the following treatment:

  • The chapter is imported into Scrivener. Scene breaks (###) are replaced with document splits (Ctrl+K), and the format is converted to my own screen preference for editing, using Convert Formatting To Default Style. Italics are retained. Bold is mercilessly removed.
  • Blindingly obvious issues of overlap at the start and end of the chapter will be removed. All other inconsistencies will likely be missed, as the chapter won’t get a read through at all.
    (FUN GAME: read the previous NiaDs and see if you can spot these Chapters!)

And that is it. Participants from previous years may recall that I will - if I get time - read through and give suggestions for tweaks and changes if there are any inconsistencies / continuity things going on. But you should by no means rely on me having the time to do this. After all, I am - like you - trying to complete a chapter, and do a whole lot of other stuff at the same time.

Irial and FredInChina, I have no problem with people whose first language isn’t English taking part. No problem at all. Given the nature of the exercise, however, you should be comfortable that a native speaker would have no idea that English wasn’t your first language. By way of example, I’d point out Daurmith (who hopefully doesn’t mind the attention). Daurmith’s first language is Spanish, but writes English far better than most UK born people I’ve met.

Fred, from your previous posts I had no idea you weren’t a native speaker (I assumed you were FredInChina and not, for example, FredFromChina). I’ll leave it up to you whether you have the confidence (with or without the use of an extra pair of eyes such as Beth’s) to take part. It’s going to be read by a lot of people, after all!

Irial, as this is your first post to the forum I don’t have a lot to go on, but I suspect you’re not quite there yet. However, one thing we could consider after this year’s event is out of the way (if you are interested) is holding an event in Spanish…

RDG, You were fooling yourself if you thought you could resist!
Montree, Welcome back!

That’s 16 people! Not too many places left…

Mind? I’m very flattered (blush) and will try not to disappoint. :slight_smile:

Dear friendly Pigfender:
Kindly add this NiaD virgin to your list. I look forward to joining in the fun!

You’re one of us now.

All right then, I’ll give it a go!
Please count me in :slight_smile:

Thanks Beth for the safety net & Pigfender for explaining the process and offering an opinion


You’re one of us now.

No, wait… have I used that one already?

I’m assuming that since it is after 8pm UTC, your continuity editor is asleep.