Novel-in-a-Day 3: With a Vengeance

But the demon couldn’t get through Mary’s Room.

Glad to be of service then. :wink:

Funny story: Mrs and I have a rule that the only reason we sleep in different beds is illness or travel. Not too long ago we had a huge blow up (over something silly like socks (seriously, that stupid)). I don’t think we actually went to bed until about 4AM because of that rule. We didn’t want to argue in the dark and we weren’t ready to make up. We laughed about it the next day.

I think that rule may be one of the things that has gotten us through the last twenty years. We talked about it over our anniversary dinner last night were we agreed to keep the rule in effect for another twenty years.

Bonus points for ratcheting up the philosophical.

Morning, just checking in for the news. I guess no news is good news? Made sure my day is totally free on the 19th. Yep, free and clear. Two days before my B-Day whence I’ll be a whopping . . . . well need to know and all that.

Have a great week everyone. :smiley:

Monty, not in full.

Since you are in the U.S., you better free up part of the 18th too! On the East coast, the deal goes down at 7pm on that day. But you knew that.

I’ve ground my Scrivener to a fine point in anticipation.


No news is GREAT news… albeit great but slightly boring news that gives you nothing to read. So…

Since we’ve broken 11 days until the event, I’m going to need to check a few things with all of you. Well, nearly all of you. Okay, just some of you. A few. An elite few.

The things I’m going to need to know are:

  • What name would you like to be credited with?
  • What email address is the best one to use to send you your briefing pack.

If you’ve taken part in one of the previous years I am going to go ahead and assume that you want me to use the same moniker as last time. If this is the worst assumption since Lincoln said “Take the night off guys, it’s just a trip to the theatre”, then consider the burden yours to enlighten me.

I do have email addresses for most of you, but if it’s been a while since I used it then I’m going to send you a test email anyway. I’d be grateful if you could ping me a quick message back to confirm. If you don’t get an email and you’re expecting one then please pre-empt my DM follow up by just reaching out to If I’ve no good reason to have your email address up until now, check your forum messages!

Done! All confirmed. Starting butterfly migration to stomach in 3… 2… 1…

hehehe, good to hear I am not alone :slight_smile:

It’s going to be challenging, but awesome fun!

Assuming I get it finished, of course…

PF you’ve not failed NIAD yet. Best to stick to the routine that’s worked so far. BTW any doubts on your end abt my moniker or email addy?

None of us will fail, we will between us as a group effort produce the next great masterpiece:)

Nope, I’m happy if you are.


Or. Is idea which even maybe definitely better. In different not samestandard typestructure as grammar English normal considered usually is we write all will. ¿How about? Good idea! Also, extra fun! For me the best the all the difference is this make without doubtedly will. So. Democratic is. Also, nonethnocentric also is, also. Modern way! Under the skin all brothers which included sisters too also!

Narapel ting. Olgeta raitim stori buk one taim long san tok pisin. Namba wan gutpela, okay!

I’m not sure if I got more confused with your first paragraph or the last one… :slight_smile:

This time next week it’ll all be comfortably over. The chapters will all be in. The books will have been compiled and posted on the interweb. We’ll have gone to bed happy and woken up excited to read what everyone else has written. In fact, by this time next week you might even have finished reading it all.

But for now, well, you have about 5 days and 6 hours to get yourself physically and emotionally ready…

Not dropping us even a single hint?

Man, you’re stern. :wink:

It’s your fault. And I quote…

Ah, but that was then. Now that D-Day is rushing upon us I find myself wondering…

Ah well, not long to wait!