Novel-in-a-Day 4.0: Live Free or NiaD

Santiago Satellite Station? As far as ancestry, sounds fishy to me. :wink:

So close! My cunning plan to deprive the pig-meister of food until his blood sugar levels dropped sufficiently to allow remote mind control almost paid off. Ten more minutes and heā€™d have crossed the line.

On to plan #32ā€¦

Ooh, are we supposed to send samples now? :open_mouth:

Keith B Walters, Welcome to the forum. Check your forum messages about the next steps and weā€™ll get you locked down for a place.

nom, is plan #33 to wait until Saturday, or should I expect other devious schemes?

paperprosciutto, No, I read some of your work on another website, which was why you got added to the list without being hassled to send me a sample.

There is not long to go. 1 day 14 hours and 42 minutes, in fact, according to the little countdown clock that has been haunting me since August 19th. Weā€™re currently at 46 participants with a couple of people still expected to send in samples and get themselves on the list. Whilst I have no objection to going over 48 people (if we do, then instead of having two completely different books of 24 chapters we will have three books where up to 2/3 of you will appear in two of the final novels), I do need to get on with allocating chapters and sorting out the emails, etc. As such NO MORE PARTICIPANTS will be added to the list AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (UK time). People whoā€™ve been involved in the past will note that Iā€™m taking this much closer to the wire than in previous years as I typically give myself at least a week after locking the participant list, so consider yourselves lucky :wink:

Please note that this hard cut-off applies even if youā€™ve signed up in this forum by that time. If Iā€™ve not received your sample and given you the nod* by midnightā€¦ sorry. You can save time by sending me the sample directly to the email address or as a forum message. If Iā€™ve received it by midnight Iā€™ll read it.

For those of you that have taken part before: I will use the email address and credit that you previous went by. If you would like to change this then please reach out and let me know. I am on

Everyone else (and Iā€™m thrilled to say that 27 of you fall into this camp!) Iā€™ll need the following information from you:

  • your email address
  • what name youā€™d like to be credited as
  • I donā€™t have a third thing. Really, I have no idea why I didnā€™t just delete that third bullet. Oh wait, I remember. Please also include your forum name so I know who to chase!

Please send that to me VIA EMAIL ( Take my advice, you donā€™t want to put your email address on a public forum. That address gets A LOT of spam! :confused:

* - ā€œThe Nodā€ is formally given by adding your forum username to the list in the second post on this thread all the way back on page 1.


Add to your list of email whitelist to make sure you get your brief on Saturday! :smiley:

Sorry Jaysen I have absolutely no idea what was in bad taste but as you were offended then maybe others would be so I have deleted it.

A house in Chiswick bought in 1980 must now be a mansion (to Nick Clegg), given the rate at which house prices in London have risen in the intervening years. Nice location and a smart investment.

Dorset: Peopleā€™s Popular Front of Wessex.

Devon: Popular Peopleā€™s Front of Wessex.


Dear Foxtrot,

I read your earlier post and, although I know longer recall all the specifics, I am confident it was not offensive (partly because I no longer recall all the specifics - offensive posts stick out*). I am also confident ā€” based on my knowledge of Jaysen along with my hazy recollection of your post ā€” that Jaysen was not intending to suggest that your post was offensive. I strongly suspect that, being someone who enjoys word play and story, Jaysen was alluding to alternate interpretations of some of the words in your post and found it difficult not to explore them publicly without crossing the bad-taste line himself. I thought the request he directed to you was a gentle way of pointing out those alternate meanings while simultaneously making fun of the difficulty he (and others, including me) have staying on topic after a post prompts such word play.

I have absolutely no doubt that Jaysen will correct me if I have misrepresented him and his intentions.

In short: donā€™t worry. Your post was fine. Looking forward to writing another novel with you. :smiley:


[size=85]*thatā€™s part of the reason for online trolls[/size]

Darn it Nam, you are 100% right.

Foxtrot, I found the closing phrase ā€œshould rot in hell foreverā€ (or something similar) too tempting to avoid. In my attempts at humor I realized that you may have a personal attachment to the case mentioned and my jest would likely be offensive to you. Please accept my apologies for the confusion I created.

I will now hang my head in shame and drown my sorrows in highly caffeinated and sugary beverages.

Oh good, #32 is working alreadyā€¦

Note: Waiting until Saturday is not a plan because Saturday will happen regardless. A plan needs action. If I intended to use a time machine to get to Saturday and then return, that would be a plan (actually, it was plan #13, but it turns out time machines are incredibly expensive and only work one way - just like regular time*). However, if plan #32 fails, Iā€™m not going to divulge plan #33 to you before it is implemented. I watched Road Runner, I saw what Wile E. Coyote did wrong.

[size=85]*As a result of this observation, I derived a whole new theory about education from plan #13. It makes sense.[/size]

Great quote for an epigraph! :exclamation:

Thanks for the reminder. I nearly forgot to down my cuppa this morning. First day of no work. Day two tomorrow. Thereā€™s every likelihood I will be less late than in previous years. Iā€™m even gonna cut my clay time short.

There is no need for apologies, I simply couldnā€™t understand what had caused offence.

I do not have any personal attachment to the case but it was local and whilst I only moved here a couple of years later I am aware of the effects it had on the families and friends of the two young girls. Feelings against the murderer still run high especially as he becomes eligible for parole in 2016.

Okay, weā€™re just 24 hours away from NiaD 4.0!

Iā€™ve got a silly hectic day of getting the chapters assigned and the briefing packs prepared, so NO MORE PARTICIPANTS from this point onwards, sorry.

Iā€™ve got the credit names and email addresses from almost all of you now, so thanks very much! There are a handful of stragglers left so pleaseā€¦ Check your forum messages and get back to me! :slight_smile:

Thanks all. See you in just under a day! :smiley:

For the more viz folks like myself. . .

Aspall Cyder would be more effective for that, it seems.


Mr X

So says a scurvy pirate.
:blush: Many apologies for causing more havoc than not. So looking forward to reading this yearā€™s work. Best wishes & hope to join next year!
p.s. Now I know that PMs stay in outbox if inbox sending to is full. -I think you mentioned this earlier- :laughing:

Nā€™ah, youā€™re in. BUT THATā€™S DEFINITELY IT.

Less than 18 hours to go.
It feels almost like Christmas, waiting for my chapter briefing.
And yes, I know I sound like a noob when I say that.

Spoiler alert:

Humans are all being used as batteries.