Novel-in-a-Day 4.0: Live Free or NiaD

Thanks be the mental subdivision called ‘PigFender’.

I enjoyed it once again. You truly are amazing and I’m in awe as to how you actually manage all this and continue to seek increased pain year on year - did you practice self harm as a child? Just curious.

Thanks Rog,


c), b), in that order for sure!

three cheers for Mr Piggy … hip-hip …

Thanks for the opportunity mate, had a blast :wink:

Yellowcake -
apparently a radioactive roo chaser
aka AL

Nice boobs, anybody? :mrgreen:

I cannot but concur on this one. [size=150]Thanks, pigfender![/size]

Time for a rootbeer float.

Enjoyed tremendously. Hip, Hip, Hurray and all that. Another fine job, Mr. Pigfender.

I’m tossing up between one of two options:

C) read the opposing chapter immediately and then cry at my pathetic comparison; or
Not C) not read it first, not read it second, never ever read it at all

And as for reading my chapter… I have never looked at my chapter in the completed book. I read the entire thing cover to cover last year on the Sunday, but skipped my bit in the process.

Anyway, thanks and congratulations again Rog. Looking forward to seeing the full story.

i don’t have any feedback because you run this thing like a well-oiled machine these days. For some reason I found my chapter an intolerable hard slog compared with other years, which seems odd to me, because on the surface it sounded easier perhaps than some of the others.

I think my feedback will be for me instead: keep the whole day clear, don’t leave work at 2am the night before… My brain thinks writing is a morning activity and programming a night activity… The creative bit clocks off by early afternoon.


Wait and see. Recall that I needed to find pants…

You too :wink:

Mine was … undirected.

As mentioned in an earlier email, this event is pure genius!
Pulling something like this off, worldwide? Brilliant.
So very impressed by the time and work involved preparing and all the after care.
Well done!!!

And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

So, since there’s so many folks since the last time it was asked, where do you hail from? I’m in Texas USA but home is California USA.

Sigh. My home is Texas, but stuck in No.Carolina.

Damn typos. Already found two of them on my text… :blush:

“Thy shall not revise after pressing Send:imp:

It’s that stuck part that sticks in my craw every time I think about it.

Hey, the clocks just went back in the UK. I’m back on target!

Admit it, you’ve been planning on that tactic for weeks!

Ugh! Just caught a glaring oopsie. I’m sending a quick fix. Paste it in or not as you like.

You are kidding right? I’ve just spent three hours producing 6 different versions and am 5 minutes away from going live.

And you want me to start again?

Your adoring legions demand all 33+ million versions or whatever. Plus the typos-only bonus pack!