Novel-in-a-Day 9


Umm… six minutes past midnight, Greenwich Mean Time… tick tock tick tock…

[Got it! Wish I would learn patience…]

Is it out yet? I don’t have anything…

It’s time. Did I miss it? Do i have the wrong email address? CRAP I am so not prepared!!!

It’s here!

Same, still waiting.

LOL Poor Rog. I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with all of us. Whew.

Nothing yet here. I imagine it takes a little bit to send out so many emails.

I got mine, but if I had to guess I’d say he was sending them out alphabetically and I am “AB17”!

(I always said that if I were ever to run for election, I’d have to change my name to “Annie Aardvark” so as to get my name first on the ballot paper)

Wait, Why am I talking to you people. I need to check my email.

Well, piggy should be glad I can’t reach him. If I could I’d be angrily eating some BBQ.

Not my favorite. This will be a horror show.

I also haven’t gotten my email so I’m glad I’m not the only one! I shall have patience. :slight_smile:


All the briefs have been sent out. If yours hasn’t arrived in a few mins then let me know.
Also - a sensible check to make sure you’ve got the right brief - it should have your name on it!!!

Sorry I’ve been quiet over the past few days. There really could not have been a worse week at work to be preparing for a NiaD!!!

Thanks! Got my briefing…let the brainstorming begin!

LOL I’m thinking that’s the point. :smiley:
And I think my brain broke. :astonished:
I can do this! I’ll make you all proud. Or something.

Ugh. Bummer for that. Well, this part’s done now. So… relax for a few hours. :smiley: We’ve got this.

Fire in the hole! I mean, …in the cup!

I did get my brief before my last post… turns out that I’m an idiot and checked the wrong email!

Got mine. It wound up in my spam folder. If you haven’t gotten yours yet, you might want to check there.

It’s not that I dislike the NiaD. It is the one un-negotiable event of my year. But this particular brief… bah. Piggy seems to be seeking out some type of vengeance for all my posts here when it was Mac exclusive.

I’m sure I deserve it if that’s his game.