Problem activating Scrivener for Windows on Linux - help needed

Hi everyone,

I have just installed Scrivener for Windows 3.1.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 using Wine 7.0 and dotnet462. See my previous post: Installing Scrivener 3.1.1 on Linux (Wine 7.0) without problems.

Everything works perfectly with the trial version of Scrivener. I can create, edit and compile documents without problems. Since everything appeared to be working I bought a license (to complement the license which I already have for my Mac version).

I tried to activate and then the problem arose. I got the following message:

Scriv activation failure

I have looked at posts on the forum and have not been able to find a solution to the problem. I have also waited 24 hours to see if it was just a problem of updating the server with my new license number. I know there is no formal support for Linux, and so I wanted to appeal for any suggestions about what the problem might be.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Update: problem solved (I think!)

I erased my Wine installation completely and did a clean install, but this time using dotnet 4.7.2. Everything else was the same as my instructions in Installing Scrivener 3.1.1 on Linux (Wine 7.0) without problems.

Although I know very little about Wine, this suggests that the problem was simply connecting with Paddle for the 64 bit version of Scrivener. It might well be that with dotnet 4.6.2 the 32 bit version of Scrivener can be activated. With dotnet 4.7.2 there are no problems with activating the 64-bit version.

Once again I hope this helps those wanting to have a problem free installation of Scrivener on Linux.

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Dotnet and WINE is a moving target…the installer for dotnet didn’t work for a lot of WINE 6.0 and above. It’s also very finicky about 32-bit vs. 64-bit, so it doesn’t surprise me that one version worked with 32-bit, and one version worked with 64. Paddle is also finicky with a real Windows API, so it’s hard telling what’s us and what’s Paddle. :slight_smile: