Programmers To Implement Night Mode By The Close Of Business 9-7-16

hilarious. but the issues involved have been discussed at length already in

If you’re looking for a critique on your writing, please post to the Scrivenings forum: viewforum.php?f=11

Your original submission is actually quite good, if you were indeed trying to portray a powerful person who is accustomed to underlings jumping at his command. However, I would suggest that you establish the character’s privileged position first, so that readers will accept that he could overreach in a place where he lacks authority to this gobsmacking degree. Without that groundwork, I’m afraid that the character is veering toward the farcical (or is that your intent?). Perhaps if you can show him in his native environment, replete with the accouterments of power, making similar demands of his underlings? I would totally buy a CEO making such demands, though without the ‘representative of the silent majority’ schtick. Unless he’s a politician. More background, please.

Please do post to the Scrivenings forum with your next attempt. I look forward to further character studies!

… but you really seem to be in a strange mood. Maybe you should adjust your own mode? :open_mouth:

But… what about all the text I have coded green, blue, red, indigo, amber, etc? If all that change into off white if I accidentally test night mode, that would really affect my serious writing and put me in a bad mood. :cry:

… or else? If it’s not met? Will you leave the forum then? :laughing:

PS. Serious writers don’t wake up 2 am and start scribbling. Serious writers follow a schedule, like a job.

PPS. “Many” of your friends? Numbers please. How many real friends do you have? How many of them use Scrivener? How many of those are serious writers? And of those, how many crave night mode or else…?

PPPS. You reeeeaaally need to clarify your ultimatum. A deadline without an ultimatively occurring event is not a deadline, not even a line.

Op: +++++ troll. Would read again.

Come on guys, lay off. He’s only a dictator. You can’t take them too seriously…

It would appear that invert colors will have to suffice for the time being. Mr. Cook and I had a chat, he will be more than willing to help the team at Literature and Latte implement what he says is a “very simple” feature to code. Craig Federighi, senior vice president of software & engineering said night mode “won’t be a problem” for the team at Apple. I expected nothing less from a company with well over a half trillion dollar market cap.

Now on to other matters;

Yes serious writers wake up at all hours of the night with inspiration and creative thoughts. In fact many famous writers say in their biography’s that some of their best thoughts came to them at night when “everyone else was sleeping”. One example I will give is Stephen King who says he “credits his dreams with giving him the concepts for several of his novels and for helping him to solve troublesome moments in his writing career” Mr. King wrote the first 50 pages of Misery when he awoke from a dream. The book later became a best seller that inspired a movie!

There’s a difference between cranking out pages of writing, and cranking out really good pages of writing. Good writers write at night, because it’s devoid of distraction, there’s nothing else left to do in the day, there’s no one else to hurry to. It’s simply just you being yourself and pouring out the emotions that you’ve gathered from your day time experience and using that creativity to create something beautiful and interesting.

One of my favorite quotes is by the legendary H.P. Lovecraft:

As far as my friends that are writers. I have proudly placed Scrivener on my website as the reason I am a successful writer. The tools and resources at my disposal with the Windows version are indispensable. I would like to add, that hundreds of Scrivener users in the US have probably heard of Scrivener because I mention it in all my talks and give the program very high praises. I proudly display the Scrivener logo on the “About Me” page of my main website.

I went so far as to tell my fellow colleagues who are writers, authors, publishers and scholars that if they don’t use Scrivener I will not continue to speak with them on writing topics. Needless to say they downloaded Scrivener and couldn’t be more pleased with the software.

I did not give consequences because I am new to the forum and did not want to give the impression that I was angry with Literature and Latte or that I was a bully. I still will not give an ultimatum if L&L fails to comply with the said request for “night mode”

My wish is to get along with everyone, especially people that use Scrivener! I did not come here to start trouble, I came as a voice to those not gifted with the eloquence I have. To request a feature that would surely bring Scrivener even higher praise among accomplished writers. That feature, I and many others are requesting is… Night Mode

rdale I look forward to further critiques on my writing style.

In the mean time I will leave the team at Apple & Literature and Latte some space to get this worked out and rolled out as soon as possible :slight_smile: Who knows, maybe the solution will come to them tonight

From Tim Cook.jpg


For those of you wondering why you should always wash your produce…

Yeah, this has to be a joke. The fake @Tim_Cook Twitter screenshot is a nice touch.

Clarity guy or whatever–

I’m beginning to get your sense of humour. It’s a bit of an acquired taste sir. You had me fooled and worried but I’m glad you are only mildly crazy.

Do give Mr. Cook my regards. Me and Cook go way back, but lately he’s been kinda ignoring me what with his new mates at Apple.

What! All this time we’ve been told rather FIRMLY that the only serious colour scheme writers want is a BRIGHT BLUE BACKGROUND with WHITE TEXT. That is what we’ve been spending years on, and now we are being instructed to make it a night mood instead? Make up your minds, Real Writers! :open_mouth:

‘eh upp!!! ‘ang on!! ‘ang on!! I’ve gorrrriitt!! I’ve gorrriittt!!! It’s just come t’ me in an epiphanic interlude … friggin’ lights flashing’ all over t’place :open_mouth:

It snot a night MOOD he’s after … it’s a night [size=150]NUDE[/size] Well I think we can all run wi’ that one … eh? … wot? :smiling_imp: Gerronnit L&L

Sitting naked and pure in the dark,
“Night mode scrivener” sings the lark,
Typing and scratching places he never scratched before,
Writing about the deep and the philosophical,
The righteous and the improbable,
He closes the door, he closes the door…
Never more, never more…

Ahh, My Lord Byron, welcome aboard The Good Ship Scrivener

If you substitute mode for moves, this pretty much sums up my writing workflow:

Is there a Night Mode / Dark Mode in Scrivener for Mac. I require it, even when I write during the day! It’s much more easy for me to write in that mode.

Does this mean I can post this again?

Re: Really hating this program right now
Postby brookter » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:13 pm

Unfortunately my friend Mr WS Gilbert presents his apologies, but he has problems with his internet connection. He asked me to pass along his comment on this thread.

[i]The Writer Most Professional

I am the very model of a writer most professional
My style can run from Hemingway to Oprah show confessional
My articles are cliché free and quite devoid of platitude
The New York Times puts my by-line on its front page with gratitude

I’ve written songs for singalongs and haircare advertorials
I wrote the elegiac text that graces war memorials
My spelling is exemplary my grammar quite majestical
I’d no more split infinitives than I would split my testicle.

He’d no more split infinitives than he would split his testicle.
He’d no more split infinitives than he would split his testicle.
He’d no more split infinitives than he would split his bestest testicle.

My friends Flaubert and Baudelaire have praised my writing to the skies
The harshest critics say that they have nothing they can criticise
And deadlines hold no fear for me, I will deliver right on cue
But only if you let me write exclusively in white on blue.

It’s true that green on black won’t do and black on white is just not right
If it’s not white on blue then poo! Invariably it turns out shite.[/i]

You can set the preferences for Compose Mode (sometimes called Composition Mode) to show you light text on a dark background.


p.s. You will probably now feel the impulse to write back and tell me that you really want a /night mode/ for the Scriv interface, not just the ability to set up night mode writing in composition mode. I get it already. What you can do via Scriv settings is set up Compose Mode for dark mode writing. You can read elsewhere why there isn’t an overall dark mode in Scriv. In the meantime, if you really need the whole interface that way, you can pretty much do it yourself (as you probably know) in Sys Prefs > Accessibility, using Invert Colors (and Use Grayscale).

Thanks GR. I don’t need the overall interface to be inverted in colour.
The composition mode comes pretty close to what I need.
I had problems finding the proper settings in Preferences, because my interface is in French, my first language.
I have found it now, it is under the last item of the Preferences > Customizable Colors (not translated) > Plein Ecran (meaning Full Screen).
BTW, not all the interface is translated in French. I can help with certain translations if needed.

I was actually thinking of Compose Mode rather than full screen mode – which are distinct. Compose Mode has its own panel at Scriv > Prefs > Compose. But happy you found settings that work for you!
