Scapple for iOS

Scrivner seems to be doing pretty well on the iOS platform. How about it, Scapple for iOS? I really like the simplicity and functionality of Scapple, consider it a compliment that I’m nudging you on this :slight_smile: .

Hi there,

Having Scapple for iOS would be a huge plus, as any of third party solutions don’t allow easy sync (such as Scrivener iOs and Mac OS).
As I know what you’ve been through regarding the iOS version (and the result is quite awesome BTW) and also mac updates, let’s hope you’ll get some time to kickstart it anytime soon.
It won’t make a huge difference, but rest assured that as soon it’s live, I’d buy it :wink:

Agreed that Scapple for iOS would be awesome and is something I would buy.

As my assumption is this is a long way off, in the meantime i have been experimenting with MindMup 2.0.

MindMup is a very stripped down mind mapping tool - limited in features but I have found it great for brainstorming. It does support independent nodes, which is a requirement for me. Also has a storyboarding feature, which I have yet to use but which looks interesting.

The free version saves to Google Drive. It is an extension of Google Chrome, so you need to work from the browser. It works for me on Windows & iOS, so I assume it would also work well on Mac.

Downside is you need an internet connection to use.


IThoughts for iOS will read. scap files natively.

Why is Mindnode the obvious choice? IThoughts reads .scap files natively, which is as close to native Scapple support on iOS as you’re going to get.

To be perfectly honest… It’s because I missed the post on the previous page saying so! iThoughts sounds great! Thanks for pointing that out!

(I do still really enjoy using Paper, but iThoughts looks like something I could convert to.)

I’m glad iThoughts interests you. Also, iThoughts offers sync, so what you do on the ipad is synced to the desktop. It isn’t as smooth as having an iOS version of Scapple, but it is the least painful.

in the absence of a Scapple version for iOS, i’ve been using Grafio, by TenTouch. it has tons of bells and whistles that i don’t use, but it’s fundamentally a good mind-mapping app, if you keep things simple. it has an infinite workspace, which is nice, and a whole schwack of shapes and connectors. it’s also very informal, in that it allows you to connect or not in whatever configuration you like. again i say, in the absence of a Scapple for iOS, i would recommend Grafio.

I have been using Ithoughts for Apple and for iOS for some time, and then returned to Scapple - for Apple obviously. Scapple is far more intuitive than Ithoughts, and it is such a shame that there is not (yet) an iOS-version - ideally with iPencil-support. What are the prospects in this respect?

I think ultimately I really need to find another coder to work on Scapple for iOS. The problem is that as a single coder my hands are full with Scrivener for macOS, Scrivener for iOS and Scapple for macOS. Scapple is actually a much more complex app programmatically than it seems to users (or I hope so, since it’s designed to seem fairly simple!), and it would take several months of full-time coding to convert the code for use on iOS. I still really want to bring Scapple for iOS - I think it would work great on the larger iPad Pro, for instance - but I’m afraid that at the moment it is still a “want to do” rather than something we have anything in place for. Finding good coders who can dive in and work from existing code without needing a lot of micro-managing is very hard…

All the best,

Desperately seeking Scapple for iOS. Visions of writing on my iPad, fleshing out story notes. Mind maps and beyond!
Thanks, Abarendt

Love Scrivener and Scapple delights.

I do a great deal of business writing and I also give a large number of presentation to professional bodies and FTSE businesses. So I spend a lot of my time thinking about what I’m going to write and how I’m going to structure it for best effect, because these recipients are hyper-critical.

I use a 27" iMac in the office, but I take my 12.9" iPad Pro everywhere - I ditched my trusty laptop because the iPad is so good.

But you know what, whether getting rough drafts on a page, just capturing thoughts as they occur, or for structuring ideas, there’s too little good software out there on OSX and even less on IoS. Most are variations on mind-maps, and that’s too restrictive.

But Scapple is just the ticket. I used it periodically when it first came out, drifted off to Tinderbox (amazing, but too complex for my needs) and rediscovered Scapple. It 's like a lightbulb going off - It’s so easy, versatile and I wish I could take it with me when I travel.

I hope you won’t be offended if I add my voice to the boring chorus of those hoping you can put it on IoS in the next couple of years.

Thank you for Scrivener and thank you for Scapple.

I’m just happy you haven’t dismissed the demand. iOS versions are table stakes for macOS apps in 2018.

Would like to add my voice to the calls for Scapple for iOS. I’ve started using Scrapple for early outlining of a novel – the POV jumps back and forth between two different viewpoints on the same timeline. I found Scapple’s visual approach is a huge help in keeping track of this. I plan to go back to Scrivener soon after this initial brainstorming. With Scrivener, I’m used to jumping back and forth between MacBook Pro, iPad and iPhone – so, of course, I now miss this with Scapple.
Understand this won’t happen any time soon, but it would be a great to have (assuming you consider it financially viable to devote so much resource to it.
Trouble is, Keith, you’ve spoilt us all with the brilliant, seamless Scrivener workflow :smiley:

I’ve just read all the requests for Scapple for iPads from the last few years. Any sign of that? It would make sense because it is very much a tool for ‚on the go’. Or could you please let us know if it isn’t planned at all. Its been a long wait for a definitive yeah or nay :slight_smile:
PS. Im obviously hoping for a yeah since it is the best mind mapping tool I have seen so far.

Hi ravenowl,

I guess this latest statement is still true and the reason why there is nothing to announce regarding a potential Port oft Scapple for iOS.

Feeling with you though. Would make great sense even with pencil and handwriting support to quickly scribble some notes.

As we’ve seen with the iOS Version of Scrivener I would assume it’s best to never say never. Thinks take their time. Finding the right Coder for the job even more.

We must be very loyal customers :slight_smile:
Guys you forgot about scapple iOs?!
it’s a must now!

Crossfade to one year later…

Having just taken delivery of my new iPad Pro 12.9, after working daily with Mac desktops and laptops since the Mac Plus – it was an epiphany!

The Scapple concept is really made for iPad and it’s my guess that its immediacy would appeal to a much wider iOS audience than Scrivener.

I use Scrivener for ‘serious’ writing, of course, on my iMac and Macbook Air. I don’t feel any strong urge to use it on the iPad Pro, even though I also got the lovely (and expensive!) Magic Keyboard. Horses for courses.

But Scapple, ideally with pen support, needs iPad [Pro]. And iOS needs Scapple.


Kind regards,


Forum Newbie here, long time Scrivener user. Just discovered Scapple and was excited to use it on my new iPadPro. Couldn’t find it in the App Store. Searched the forum. Found many requests for Scapple IOS THEN noticed they are from 2015! So… still nothing in 5 years? Yikes I’m guessing that means “not gonna happen find another app” I have mind node but launching two apps for a simple mind map is a pain.
If Scrivener for IOS could import a simple drawing page ….

It is coming, perhaps by end of year/ sometime next year:

I have been hoping for iPad/iOS Scapple for years, but just happy to see that it is in development. There is a lot of work, making the code cross-platform compatible does seem to indicate it is definitely in their plans.

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