Scrivener 2.0... It's here.

Ah Shrumpkin, welcome. Soon I may be able to pass to you the role of suffer no fools, take no prisoners critical pertinacity and retire to the role of gray eminence. Droo


Ha! Too funny. Mum, yeah. I hear ya. One word at a time indeed. In that regard, it IS all about the small stuff. I stand corrected.

As for the icon: Hmm…I like it any way they wish to make it. I still had no idea that the old one contained an S. Perhaps it’s time to take one of those vision tests with the dots? “Tell me, what do you see?”



Hey, not to change the subject or anything, but loving the updated site speed! Very peppy and no errors so far.

Wow. Scrivener 2.0 is a vast improvement in every way that I have explored. The revamped Scrivener website is a pleasure.

Now there is a Screen Casts Online Video Tutorial on Scrivener 2.0. … ivener.php

Don McAllister at probably does the best video tutorials for Mac products and software.

I am sending links to the ScreenCastsOnline Tutorial on Scrivener 2.0 to my friends, even some of my old Windows bound friends.

Congratulations to Keith and Scriveners all.


Well said…BUT (KB just having logged out, sshhh…), you can change them! Keith wrote:

. It works! (I won’t quote the rest as it is too tragic.)

Now in my view, the main icon is the signature of the developer, and he or she can have any image they choose–it’s beyond judgment. It deserves, especially in the face of so many other perfections, nothing less than unconditional positive regard. Always.

However, there are some sensitive souls that need every bit of help any angel offers, just in order to write…even one. single. word. at a time. For me, the current binder icon was a bit like the hand held in “full stop” position. Crisp! Erect! On target! (Well, I never am.) The old binder icon, open, inviting, white page ready for one’s first stroke. It was…suggestive. Of the next couple of words. Of course. And it didn’t matter that it was a bit in soft focus. And the squared comment icon…too rigid and upright for one to say, “I don’t know what I’m doing here!!” The old annotation icon, white page, black print, and just the touch of vivacious red, said, “I’m here! Inscribe me!” Well, not quite like that.

But what about that keywords icon? At first, I thought that the modest grey key against the black background was, well, writerly–non-threatening. And I clung to it for a while. But after a few screw-ups and downloading again, I became attached to the little black dress of it; the tease of the key and the ruby, emerald, and sapphire buttons just waiting. To be launched.

So the almost perfect icons, indeed are there, hidden. But, Keith, angel that he is, pointed the way…
and some others (J, V-K) inspired.


“you can drill down into the Scrivener resources (ctrl-click on Scrivener itself in the Finder and select “Show Package Contents”), drill down into the Resources folder, and replace the new icons with the old ones (which you can get from Scrivener 1.x in the same way)…”

but but but…when I installed Scriv 2.0 it replaced Scriv 1 in my Applications Folder, so HOW do I drill down into it when it’s not even there??? :-((

On a complete tangent, Mollys Mum, I had a guava margarita in celebration of your new forum avatar.

Ladies!! Ladies!! Calm down. Feel free to use my photo instead. There y` go…sorted.:slight_smile:


@amber: Why thank you. :slight_smile: But I must point out that that is my MARTINI glass. My margarita glass wouldn’t fit in the avatar.

@vic: You grow more charming and gorgeous with every post. <3

But I STILL don’t know how to drill down into the ghost of Scriv 1, wherever it is…:frowning:

I found my 1.5 Scrivener in the Trash folder. From there, I followed Keith’s instructions. I also made a separate folder for the few icons I like. If you download a new version of Scrivener, you will have to reinstall the old icons. Also, I wouldn’t do this with all or even a lot of the icons–it’s not clear that they would work like the old ones. Although, I am trying to adapt Vic-K’s photo for the Collapse and Expand icons.

The new Scrivener 2.0 is a great upgrade. Love the new features and I really like the new icon.

Many thanks,


Okaaaay–I found the old Scrivener .dmg in my downloads folder. So I opened the folder but I am now scared to death. No way am I going to “drag it into my Applications” folder–that’s where the NEW Scrivener lives, thankyouverymuch, and damned if I will mess with it. So: I’ve found the old and beloved Scrivener icon, not sure what to do with it, as I don’t want to replace the new one, but would love to USE that old one somehow.And the other early Scriv icons? Can’t find them, can’t remember what they are…I don’t sound confused, do I?

ctl-click and select show package contents. You are now looking “in” the app.

Can you take it from there?

I am shaking in my boots.
But yes, Jaysen, I did do that. And I found a bunch of .tiff files in the Resources folder, which all looked like little pictures, so I made a special folder in my Documents folder called “Old Scrivener Pictures” and I copied that whole Resources file over there.
So now I think I can pick up those little icons from the “manage icons” choice in New Scrivener. If I can figure out where I want to use them.
I do like all the new icons. The character and setting ones are great. I’m looking for a good plot one, though, and I may use the old Scriv icon as that.
Life is so complicated. Sigh.

Yet it is life. For which we are grateful. Yes?

Yes Yes Yes. :slight_smile:
And I did it. I transferred the old Scriv icon over and am using it for my PLOT folder. Works for me.

We did all this replace the icon stuff in 2007 - use the search for ‘replace icon’ and it reveals a couple of very useful threads:

For the big icon - just use the ‘GET INFO’ trick, replace it with a picture of vick (Sir Vic) and get on with your writing knowing that inspiration is only a glance away.


True…true. Sound advice my Lord, sound advice.
Your servant, Sire.

Just a quick note … Scrivener 2 is utterly amazing.

I didn’t find the time to post earlier and I have to keep it short for now because I got some heavy work to do … with Scrivener!