Scrivener 3 and Apple Vision Pro


I am retired, an iOS Developer, Writer, and will be an owner of the new Apple Vision in a few weeks. I think this could be a terrific immersive environment for writing. You’ll be able to place yourself in atmospheric environments relative to your topic, all within the Scrivener iOS application.

  1. Are there plans to make the iOS Scrivener application compatible with VisionOS?

  2. I’d be interested in helping make the project changes necessary to build this as a target environment and also test it for you.



Pre-orders for the Apple Vision Pro are already underway and the first units will be delivered from 2 February. It will probably be a few months before the headset comes to Europe.
I’m basically interested in the virtual workplace, as I only have a small writing corner available in our flat. The idea of displaying several large virtual screens and working in this way fascinates me, hence my question: the Developer Kid for the Apple Vision Pro has been available for a few months now. Have you already tried out what Scrivener 3 looks like when you use the app virtually? Does it work without any major adjustments and is it easy to use?

Lord, have mercy. I rarely wear earphones, never mind headphones. I don’t see myself ever giving myself over to something that makes me look like a gonk in my own living room and reads ever iota of movement I’m liable to make.
So sad Apple and others. Go back to the drawing board. You lost me on day 1.
In terms of Scrivener, why should L&L be looking at something that is barely supported by 20 apps, if that many.


I agree, but perhaps we are a minority. Will we change our minds when this “thing” looks like normal sunglasses in a few years’ time? :thinking:

The level of biometrics involved is already too shady to accept.

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I just love this part. Yes, we should put that Kid to work!

(I have no useful info pertaining to the actual question, Thom.)

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Look, that’s your opinion and I respect it, of course, but unfortunately it’s not mine. I’m interested in new technologies and try to incorporate them into my workflow if they help me to work better and more productively. That doesn’t have to apply to you or anyone else, but I’m asking the question because Scrivener is one of the most important tools for me and I’m naturally interested in its future direction. In the end, everyone decides for themselves how they work and I can take criticism about my ideas.

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I would look at The Immersed glasses. They’re much more affordable.

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I suspect it will look invisible, unless Keith found a way to run Scrivener 3 on iOS / iPadOS or re-created it from scratch for visionOS. Doesn’t sound like much work. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Scrivener for iOS on the other hand should run just fine out of the box, but probably won’t resemble what you imagine, with multiple virtual screens etc.

This is pure speculation. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe L&L sits on a Netflix-sized budget and secretly develops Scrivener 3 for visionOS. And Android.

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The headset is not limited to iOS or iPadOS apps, you can also connect it to your Mac just by looking at it to get a large virtual 4K display. With the eye-tracking function, you can easily replace the mouse and possibly navigate even faster. The question I have is: how productive is the new dictation function and/or virtual text input? I’m definitely looking forward to the first reviews.

Thank you much for the link. I often read about alternative headsets and the market has and will certainly react to the Apple vision. Personally, however, I’m leaning towards the Apple Vision because I rely completely on the Apple ecosystem and it simply works perfectly for my needs.

Okay, you could do that, basically “streaming” the desktop to the diving goggles. Now you sit in front of a screen (and a keyboard, read below) with a headset on, gaining… what exactly? :thinking:

It sucks: Apple Vision Pro Virtual Keyboard Blasted As 'Complete Write-Off' - MacRumors


I doubt it. At best you get a performance similar to a mouse. And that’s already way worse than using keyboard shortcuts. How do you replace those? You’d need a different input mechanism (voice? unlikely, you can already try that today).


How can you possibly know that, given that it doesn’t exist yet?

As a general rule, VR headsets are ergonomically disastrous, primarily because of their weight.

As always, we don’t discuss future product plans. Since Keith is based in the UK, though, he may not even have access to one yet.


Blockquote How can you possibly know that, given that it doesn’t exist yet?

Sure, I don’t have a device at my disposal, but from my twenty years of experience with Apple, I know that they engineer their ecosystem excellently and so far, I’ve never had any problems with new devices. Whether iPhone, iPaf, MacBook or my Mac Studio, they all work together perfectly, and it will be the same with the Apple Vision. I have no doubts about that.
The weight of the headset is certainly a point, but if you can do your work relaxed in an armchair instead of hunched over at your desk, then maybe that’s worth something.
First and foremost, it’s really about the application itself. If it doesn’t bring any advantages for my work with Scrivener, then of course I won’t invest in such an expensive device. But if it has features that support me in my work, then I’ll seriously consider buying an Apple Vision. So I’m looking forward to the first long-term reviews. Everything we have heard so far comes from short, predetermined sessions.

FWIW, I already do much of my work relaxed in an armchair. iPad + Apple Pencil costs significantly less than a Vision Pro. YMMV, of course.

For me, the number one improvement Apple could make to my workflow would be to make the Pencil Mac OS-compatible.


Blockquote Okay, you could do that , basically “streaming” the desktop to the diving goggles. Now you sit in front of a screen (and a keyboard, read below) with a headset on, gaining… what exactly? :thinking:

The point is, we don’t yet know exactly which apps will run on the Apple Vision. It was only said that iPad and iOS apps run “natively”, but visionOS is a separate operating system. Whether and which Mac apps will run on the headset is still uncertain, but I’m sure that developers will start porting their apps.

Blockquote FWIW, I already do much of my work relaxed in an armchair. iPad + Apple Pencil costs significantly less than a Vision Pro. YMMV, of course.

I admit, I failed with the iPad integration into my writing process. From the iPad 2 to the iPad Pro 2018, I kept trying to use the tablet but was always dissatisfied. It was too restricted and limited for me, and the sync process for Scrivener via Dropbox didn’t help me in the long run. One ray of hope is the new app, which is probably coming this year and will finally use the iCloud.
I currently only use Macs (Mac Studio and MacBook Pro). My iPads went to the kids and my wife.

Yeah, but then we’re back on square one: Scrivener is not likely one of them (other than the iOS version). If this was “easy” (and profitable) there would be a Scrivener 3 for iPadOS (or even Android) available for some years at this point in time. Those are existing markets multiple times the size of what could be even remotely achievable for visionOS in the near term future.


Marques Brownlee has now tested the Apple Vision Pro four times and says that the virtual keyboard is just a matter of getting used to it. He confirms that the Apple Vision is relatively heavy, but Apple wants to deliver a high-quality device and not a plastic box. That would not fit in with its philosophy. Shortcuts can be addressed via short voice commands. Shouldn’t be a problem.
Of course, I realise that with a completely new device, everyone is sceptical at first and expresses countless concerns. It was the same with the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. I just try to keep an open mind and find out whether the device is useful or not. If it improves my workflow, then it makes sense to invest in it as a full-time author.

IMO, “too heavy to use for extended periods” is not a “high-quality” device.

Voice commands are a huge problem in public places, including office settings.