Scrivener 3 for Windows but when?

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?


I updated my projection based on this last update to late Fall (Oct/Nov). I do think there is one more beta (9) followed by a release. The current beta is very good, however there are small minor bugs running around.

Considering that they haven’t finished implementing the compile features, I think that’s overly optimistic. Once it’s feature-complete, I wouldn’t expect fewer than 3 beta releases as bugs in the compile process are revealed through real-world testing.

Well, I am sure L&L will be happy when this is all done.

Looking forward to Scriv3Win. I haven’t seen the beta yet, but hoping we will finally have the important groundbreaking features that were exclusive only to Mac users.

Considering that Mac computers only holds 9.75% of the market share in 2016 and not seeing much of an increase since then, and are so cost prohibitive that people typically aren’t willing to switch over.

I would say finally upgrading the program will increase sales significantly as the Win version will hopefully no longer be the unloved child who is given only hand-me-downs and left to roam like a wild child on the streets (rarely considered for updates/upgrades), all while the favored child, the Mac version, is pampered, feed only the best food, groomed on a regular basis and taught everything there is to know (regular updates and upgrades)

Sure Mac computers look cool with their guts held nicely in the oversized monitors and simplistic design, but a computer isn’t typically an interior design element. Yes, I would love for my desktop to look sleek and sexy, but hey if it can’t do everything a Windows computer can do and have the wide availability of programs that only windows can provide, then I have to pass over the sleek and sexy for the boring box with lit up window to see inside computer. Maybe I will just spray paint the box a sleek white and stick a pretty sticker on the side… no wait… how about stick a unique wallpaper… hmmm… all the possibilities there are for making a windows box look sleek and sexy too without costing a fortune and loss of capability in the process. Now, where is my box of crafting supplies…Scissors… check, glue… check…

What feature(s) don’t work in Compile? What I’ve tested seems to work so far.

Does nobody read release notes anymore? They don’t specify which exact pieces aren’t wired up yet, but they do specifically call it out: From [url]Scrivener 3.0 Beta - Release Candidate 10 (Download Links & Change List)] :

You can also create a fresh interactive tutorial and search for anything marked with the “Missing Feature” character style (it looks like a light red highlight).

Thanks devinganger, I missed that in reviewing the notes.

Apologies, my reply was needlessly snappy.

Please understand that I would love to test Scrivener for windows. Please understand that you have not released a beta version since 2017. Please understand that beta releases are made for the express purpose of giving testers the opportunity to find bugs in the software, report the same bugs, you fix the bugs, and then you release a new beta version of the software. At least that’s how we do it in the states. I refuse to test antiques because doing so is a waste of my time. When will you Brits compile and release a new beta version with a document describing known bugs. :question: I think this is a great idea. :bulb: Would you please comment on this post so I can get an idea of where you are at :question: In other words I am asking for a status update as well as a release of beta 9. Please understand that perfection only comes in Heaven. I am very understanding about the fact that bugs are the norm for ANY software. I have been an IT professional for four decades and I think I understand how the process should work. Thank you for considering this note. I eagerly await your reply. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill said, “Give us the tools and we will do the job”. That is all that I can ask also. He asked and we supplied. I am giving you the same ask and am awaiting your reply.

You are mistaken. The most recent beta was released just a few weeks ago.

While the pinned “announcement” post for beta releases is dated 2017, it is regularly updated and always includes both a link to the most recent beta version, and notes discussing the current status of bugs and feature enhancements.


Please understand that I would love to test Scrivener for windows. Please understand that you have not released a beta version since 2017.
At least that’s how we do it in the states. I refuse to test antiques because doing so is a waste of my time.
When will you Brits compile and release a new beta version with a document describing known bugs. :question: I have been an IT professional for four decades and I think I understand how the process should work.

Your arrogance is showing on American portrayal. I can say this for I’m not British. Obviously reading Beta notes, what version has been released and notes of latest bugs is TL: DR of your stature. Sorry we can’t help you there. Please see an optometrist for your eyesight and maybe a refresher course on being an IT. These Brits as you say, are hard working on their product. Your arrogance is showing. You give Americans who work in IT a bad rep with that attitude.

Now now, there is no reason to flame them just because they made a mistake and then got a little heated about it.

By the way, the Windows developers are Australian and Bulgarian, and those keeping reports tested, wrangled and retested are in the US. :slight_smile:

You’re being fooled by the way they’re posting the notices of new betas.
The notification of the release is the last post in the “Scrivener 3.0 Beta 8 (Download Links & Change List)” thread, and the release notes are the first post.
Weird, but you get used to it.

Beta 8, version, was released on August 1, 2018.

My apologizes I did not mean to offend any of the Australian’s or Bulgarian’s either with my reply to the comment.

If you’re a new user of Scrivener for Windows, or are thinking about buying it, you may be wondering why Scrivener for Windows is on version 1 whereas our macOS version is on version 3. Don’t worry—for the most part, it’s just a number.

Scrivener for macOS and Scrivener for Windows are separate development efforts with different developers and code bases. Scrivener for macOS was released several years before our Windows developers came on board to create the Windows version. As a result, Scrivener 1 for Windows was released a year after Scrivener 2 for macOS.

In November 2017, our Mac team released Scrivener 3 for macOS, a major update containing many refinements and new features. We’re still hard at work on our next major version of Scrivener for Windows, which will bring our Windows version into line with the latest Mac version. To avoid confusion in the future, we have decided to skip a number and jump from version 1 to version 3 for our first major Windows update.

The great news is that if you buy Scrivener 1 for Windows now, you’ll get a free update to version 3 when it’s available. (Existing users of Scrivener 1 will be able to purchase Scrivener 3 for the discounted price of $25 when the time comes.)

From literatureandlatte topic. Hope it helps.

Hi I see there is a book for Scrivener 3 Mac? Will there be a book also for Windows 3 Scrivener? It would be very helpful for us newbies.
Also need a template for non-fiction books?

I don’t think Lit & Latte put out books on their own, those are usually written and published by other folks, and those people tend to write one book and make note of where the Mac version differs from Windows. Those differences will be very slight in the future, once version 3 for Windows is out, though there will be slight differences due to what Macs provide to developers vs. what the Windows team has to license or re-invent from scratch, or just the differences between the two types of computers.

But you will always have a very detailed manual (upon release–the Betas have outdated manuals) accessible from the Help menu and from the templates chooser.

And speaking of Templates…

Hey, I hate to be that guy but I stupidly upgraded to scriv 3 on my macbook pro but I also have a Win 10 machine running scriv 1 and I really need file comparability. I’m in the middle of a big project and it would really help if I could move files back and forth. Is scriv 3 beta on win stable or am I screwed?

Scrivener 3 on Mac has the option to Export “As Scrivener 2”. This allows it to read and edited in the current Windows version (1). We do not suggest using the beta for anything that you wish to keep as it is still very much a beta.

Hope this helps you.