Scrivener for Windows...

You just HAD to do this, didn’t you? Here I had it all figured out: My MacBook is for writing, and the little netbook I got for my birthday two years ago is just for, well, netbook stuff. Oh, sure, I’m running Office 2003 on it, so I can do some editing of Word docs, but no WRITING! Not without Scrivener!(This, in spite of having downloaded trial or sale versions of most Windows writing programs. Which I’m still not really using. At all.)

So now you’ve invaded my tiny PC and I guess I’ll be writing in coffee shops after all. Sigh . . . :wink:

Edited to add: Never mind my grousing; it will run on netbooks, won’t it?

Jullie, my precious one. These babies`ll run in the Grand National, never mind your netbook :smiling_imp:

As long as your netbook runs XP, Vista, or w7, it should be able to run Scrivener just fine—especially if it can handle the monster that Office is.

So… I’m the only one that exports Scrivener files from the Mac to Google Docs, and download the RTF file to Word and finishes it up there?


Well, if you put it that way, yes. I think you are the last person using Google Docs. :wink:

Looking forward to the beta.


Unless you count the high school kids across america. Although calling them people may be questionable.

KB - Thank you for your hard work on Scrivener over the years. I’ve been a happy user of the Mac version, and a reader of the forum, for something over a year now. I think Scrivener is a fantastic product, much more useful, in so many ways, than other writing programs on both Mac and Windows platforms, that I’ve used in the past. I’m really looking forward to 2.0.

I plan to stick to the Mac version for most of my writing, but it isn’t hard to imagine how the Windows version will also benefit Mac users. Besides those of us who do sometimes, under duress, work on a Windows machine, Mac writers will be better able to share with non-Mac writers, for example writing group members or collaborators. With the planned file portability, including storing both Windows & Mac settings in each file, it looks like Mac users will be able to share templates, layouts, other examples–and in situations where it’s appropriate, actual writing projects–with fellow writers, regardless of preferred platform.

A bigger user base, and the attendant cash flow, can hardly be a bad thing for future development and support.

I feel, at this time, tis incumbent upon my good self, to point out to [b][size=150]X[/size][/b]s big guy, that access to the Internet, and by extension, Scrivener, is readily available to 99.99999+% of the planets population. Two of which are your progéniture. Daughditor&Boy :smiling_imp:
Do take care

Oh, this is nice. I was wondering what to do with the Windows box that sits nearly unused on my desk. I think I must try this new version since it runs on XP. I may get some use out of the creaky ol’ thing yet. Nicely done.

Fantastic, I have never used Windows, I have been on a Mac for 20 years. But I would dearly love something really small and portable to run Scrivener on - and that’s a Netbook. Let’s face it, the iPad is lovely but what we really all wanted was something small to run Scrivener on! (listening Apple?)
This will provide the solution all those frustrated iPad users have been looking for. What Netbook should I buy?

Hi Keith,

This is EXCELLENT news. I remember trying to beta test Scrivener on the Mac when you were first starting out but it was Tiger-only and I was stuck on a G3 iBook with Panther.

Over the years, I’ve been following (at a distance) the awesome evolution of Scrivener. And I’ve been salivating…

FF to today, I’m working at a company with the usual Windows laptop. The old iBook with Panther has long since died and a new laptop was/is nowhere on the financial horizon (hard to convince the family CFO, my wife, that i need another laptop if the company already gives me one :laughing: )

Here’s the funny thing, though - I’m actually ALLOWED to install programs on the company laptop but not any frameworks (.NET etc)

So I’m REALLY jonesing to get my paws on Scriv for Win. :smiley:

Will Scriv/Win require .NET at all (i think i have 2.0 but i definitely don’t have 3.5 which is often required) or any other special frameworks/dependencies etc?

Does this include the Windows 7 starter that is now being sold with netbooks?

This is so exciting! A friend had bragged to our writing group about Scrivener, and now we lowly Windows users can get it, too. I have used a few other writing programs, and either they took too much work to learn, or they lacked some feature I really needed. Scrivener looks as if it has everything. How can I be sure that I get to be one of the beta testers? I’d love to put it to work for NaNoWriMo this year. I know how to make backups, and computer oddities are familiar to me–I used to be a Linux user. :smiley:

It is being written in the QT framework, which is largely just of interest to geeks, as in practical usage all it means is that it will run just fine without any framework installation. So no .NET!

Good question. I don’t have a copy of Starter to test with, but from what I understand, it is mainly just a highly stripped down version of Windows 7. It ought to be able to run anything Windows 7 Home or greater can run (it can run Office 2010 from what I understand). The main limitation with it is that many control panel features have been disabled and it uses a more lightweight windowing framework than Aero.

Once the beta is out, this will be much easier to answer. :slight_smile:

I am sorry to seem musically illiterate but what is the music used on the Scrivener Window’s video?

I tried writing (using W–d) on my wife’s Samsung netbook (I was almost going to buy one for myself before that, it’s so neat).

But I found it infernally difficult to get used to that a-bit-smaller-than-standard keyboard. My typos almost outnumbered my intended characters! No doubt plenty of practice would’ve made tolerably good in the end, but I could see myself giving up way before I’d reached that level of proficiency.

Maybe a factor to consider when choosing netbook…


Awesome. Bring it on, then! :smiley:

I principally use OSX, but this is a very good move. It will only work to L&L’s benefit, financial and otherwise.

Many heartfelt thanks to Keith and Lee from the side of the fence where the grass is greener. We’ve all seen the default XP wallpaper, right?
I was looking into buying a Mac because of Scrivener, just like a lot of us did but honestly, I kinda like PCs (ClearType especially). So this is terrific news for me. Looking forw… oh, come on! Where is that October when you need one?