Hi guys, I just formatted my PC since I got an NVME as a boot drive. I’m in the process of reinstalling everything and I’ve installed Scrivener and for some reason it just doesn’t open. I don’t get any error message, I just see the logo and “Loading Fonts” for a split second before it closes itself. Since I’m still reinstalling everything I don’t know if I’m missing any other dependency that Scrivener needs to open but so far I haven’t had any issue with any other program. Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: 3 times I’ve redownloaded the installer and so far no luck so it’s not related to a faulty installer.
You could open a command prompt window in the C:\Program Files\Scrivener3 folder, then run ScrivenerLog. It is a batch file that will start Scrivener and open another command window that shows the startup execution of the Scrivener program. You could then scan the output (probably from the bottom up) and see if there are error messages near the end of the output.
Most log messages begin with “Info:” or “Warning:”, particularly when loading all of the fonts on your computer, but in your case, you may also see “Error:” messages. You should contact L&L support if the log output doesn’t help you resolve the problem.
Warning: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile (this one repeats itself about 20 times so I think the issue lies here).
Warning: Overriding already existing font file name: “SegoeUIEmoji”
Warning: Already loaded font file: “C:/Windows/Fonts/seguiemj.ttf”
Warning: About to load font file: “C:/Program Files/Scrivener3/fonts/seguiemj.ttf”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Courier”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Microsoft YaHei”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Terminal”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Modern”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Fixedsys”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “System”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Microsoft JhengHei UI”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Roman”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Script”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Cambria Math”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “8514oem”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “MS Sans Serif”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Small Fonts”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiConden”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Microsoft YaHei UI”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “MS Serif”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiConde”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “Microsoft JhengHei”
Info: No PostScript name for font family: “MS Shell Dlg 2” (last line of the log file)
Here is what is in my output, which picks up where yours stops:
Info: Qt SSL Info
Info: Qt supports SSL: true
Info: Qt SSL compile version: “OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019”
Info: Qt SSL runtime version: “OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019”
Warning: License server started.
Debug: Starting communication.
Debug: Communication enabled.
Debug: Sending command: “Configure”
Info: Message sent to server, waiting for reply.
Info: License Server reply received.
Debug: Sending command: “Product”
Info: Message sent to server, waiting for reply.
Info: License Server reply received.
First guess is that Scrivener cannot find its SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) dll, which appears to be “C:\Program Files\Scrivener3\libssl-1_1-x64.dll”. Is Scrivener3’s folder in your PATH environment variable? If not, add “C:\Program Files\Scrivener3” to your path, log out then in again (or reboot) and try again. If that doesn’t fix it, run ScrivenerLog again to see if it goes further into loading.
You may just have to go to support if nothing has changed as a result of adding Scrivener to your path.
Also, if you’re installing from scratch and haven’t applied any updates to your Win 10 installation yet, make sure you’ve got at least .NET version 4.6.2 or greater installed. I’m pretty sure even a stock Win 10 install has that, but since it seems to be failing at around the point where it attempts to open a secure connection to the vendor’s licence server, that would be something worth checking.
And since it is networking related, security settings and anti-virus software are also things worth checking. You do need to allow access to Scrivener at least once to get it activated. After that point it can be safely locked down behind a firewall or whatever you need.
@BClarke How do I verify the PATH environment variable? I added it in Advanced Sytem Settings as Variable:SCRIVENER3, VALUE: “C:\Program Files\Scrivener3”
@AmberV I downloaded .NET 4.8 but I get a message that “.NET Framework 4.6.2 or a later update is already installed on this computer.”
I’ve sent a message to Support and we’re working it out too, but somehow I still can’t open it.
EDIT: To add to it, it’s definitely something missing in my computer since I used the same installer in my laptop and it worked fine.
First, note what Amber said about anti-virus software. You may need to whitelist Scriverner.exe and its folder. If that has no effect, try adding Scrivener’s folder to your path.
Adding Scrivener’s folder to your PATH should not be necessary under normal conditions because of the way Windows looks for DLLs, but something unusual is happening on your machine.
You want Scrivener’s folder location added to the system PATH variable:
Click the Start button, then select Settings.
In the Settings window, in the “Find a Setting” box, type “environment” without the quotes, then select “Edit the system environment variables”
Click the New button and enter C:\Program Files\Scrivener3, then click OK
6. Click OK on the other dialogs until you are out of the dialogs.
Log out and log in again, or reboot, then try running Scrivener again. If it does not work, use ScrivenerLog again to see if loading has gone further than before.
And you can remove the variable you added, SCRIVENER3.
Tried it and didn’t work sadly. BUT, I just realized I’ve been having some errors in Security Center registered in Event Viewer so right now I’m running a full /scannow to see if the OS didn’t install correctly in the first place. The issue is not in OpenSSL since I also use SyncPlay and I have no problems there. Will update when done.
EDIT: Yeah it has to be a faulty Windows instalation, /scannow gave up so many errors that I’ll just reinstall everything from scratch, I tried to restore it with a USB backup and it even told me that it couldn’t fix everything that way. No idea how I could install it in the first place and run some games. I’ll update when the reinstall is done.
Hey guys, I solved it but had to do it by reinstalling my entire Windows OS. Seems like the ISO I downloaded was not properly mounted in my USB leading to many errors in Security Center and the Windows Update module.
Just to be sure I downloaded the ISO again and installed it again and everything now works correctly (I’m using Windows 10 LTSC IoT with a license my company gifted me, I can confirm this Windows version by itself was not the issue since I’ve been using it for around 10 years now and this was mostly my mistake for not CRC checking the installation).
How was I able to install everything else including games that used .NET and Steamworks redistributables without any issue at all? I don’t know but it definitely was related towards Scrivener’s OpenSSL and how it works this .dll, so moral of the story: If you have a faulty Security Center Scrivener will just NOT work. Thank you all guys for your help and I just want to vent that while reformatting my PC I did NOT backup a really important folder LMAO (I can’t even remember if I have an older backup of it somewhere else, I hope I do)