Hello there. I recently bought a new laptop running Windows 11. Scrivener3 worked on it for about a week, but now it doesn’t start anymore. It appears in Task Manager for a few seconds, and then disappears again.
Is this a bug? I tried reinstalling it, running it as an administrator, disabling the license on my old laptop, and adding exceptions to my firewall. I use version 3.1.1.
Anyone else having this issue, and is there a fix? Thanks
I would suggest uninstall, and then search user app data for remaining scrivener folder and delete everything but saves and move to desktop. I would then go to program files to make sure nothing left behind and finally
Registry editor open and follow this (deleted some space in picture so can see more clearly. Find the scrivener registry keys after uninstall the program and delete them and then reinstall
see pic
Hi thanks for the quick response. I have removed everything I could find in program files and deleted the registry keys. The problem still persists. I tried disabling Windows Defender, but no luck there either.
Look in the Event Viewer for errors or warnings related to Scrivener, such as the application itself or file system errors in the Scrivener installation folder.
You can start the Event Viewer by clicking the Start button and typing “Event Viewer” until the app appears in the Start menu. Go to the “Windows Logs / Application” section and scroll the events list. You may have to wait 15-20 seconds for the list to populate if there are many events the viewer has to collect for display.
You can also try opening Scrivener from the command line to see if an error message is being posted to the command console that you cannot normally see when starting the program.
You can also read this thread for other suggestions.
Thanks for your response. Event Viewer shows me the following errors. My system is in Dutch so I hope you can interpret these lines:
Application Error:
Naam van toepassing met fout: Scrivener.exe, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x618250be
Naam van module met fout: unknown, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x00000000
Uitzonderingscode: 0xc0000005
Foutmarge: 0x0000000000000000
Id van proces met fout: 0x1b8c
Starttijd van toepassing met fout: 0x01d8a28d05fc65f8
Pad naar toepassing met fout: C:\Program Files\Scrivener3\Scrivener.exe
Pad naar module met fout: unknown
Rapport-id: cda63637-b884-4290-8a13-f9d40c2eddb6
Volledige pakketnaam met fout:
Relatieve toepassings-id van pakket met fout:
Windows Error Reporting:
Foutbucket 1856432502002201524, type 5
Naam van gebeurtenis: BEX64
Antwoord: Niet beschikbaar
Id van CAB-bestand: 0
Deze bestanden zijn mogelijk hier beschikbaar:
Opnieuw zoeken naar oplossing: 0
Rapport-id: cda63637-b884-4290-8a13-f9d40c2eddb6
Rapportstatus: 268435456
Opgedeelde bucket: b2b3c990462b4bf0e9c35f865754b3b4
GUID van CAB-bestand: 0
I also tried editing the environment paths and downgrading my bios. No luck.
“Uitzonderingscode: 0xc0000005” is “Exception code: 0xc0000005” and error 5 means “access denied.”
Scrivener is trying a file operation to which it is not allowed.
The first thing to try is to right-click the Scrivener icon in the Start menu, select “More” then select “Run as administrator” and see if the problem goes away. If it does, then go to C:\Program Files\Scrivener3, find Scrivener.exe, right-click the file name and select Properties, click the Compatibility tab and select the “Run the program as an administrator” checkbox. Now run Scrivener again and see if the problem is gone.
You can also check the Security tab to see what permissions are given to Scrivener.exe. If you do not share the machine with other users, it is OK to give “Everyone” full control of the program. To do that, click on the Security tab, select Everyone, and click the Edit button. In the Permissions dialog that appears, select the checkbox labeled “Full control” and save the changes.
There is one more thing that can be done to adjust permissions on every file in Scrivener’s directory tree, but that is seldom necessary. You would run a program that ships with Windows for adjusting the permissions.
You mentioned that you disabled Windows Defender but that it didn’t help. Is that the only antivirus software you have installed? And make sure you followed these instructions, particularly Note 1 about adding an exclusion.
If you add an exclusion for the Scrivener3 folder and it still does not work, then we can try changing the permissions of the Scrivener3 folder with all of its files and subfolders. The program to do that ships with Windows and is call ICacls.exe. You can read the details about it here.
Click the Start menu, type CMD, then select Run as Administrator.
Change directories to C:\Program Files\Scrivener3.
Enter this command line, being careful to get the syntax correct (you can copy/paste this to the command prompt):
icacls . /grant “Users”:(OI)(CI)F /T
So what does it do?
4a. The “.” says to use the current directory
4b. “/grant Users” will add the following permissions to existing permissions for the Users group
4c. “(OI)” says to let lesser objects inherit from their parent
4d. “(CI)” means “container inherit”
4e. “F” means full access
4f. “/T” means to apply the operation on all matching files/directories below the directory specified.
When I ran this on my machine, it reported this and was done in a few seconds (on an SSD; a regular hard drive will take a little longer):
“Successfully processed 1104 files; Failed processing 0 files”
Your results should be similar.
If adding a Defender exclusion doesn’t work, and running ICacls to set the permissions on every file and folder doesn’t work, then I am out of suggestions.
Nice one! Thanks for posting this along with a clear explanation of what it’s doing,. I’m putting this in my toolkit…
I don;t think the OP mentioned trying to run in Safe Mode, which can cure a lot of ills, but brute force has its advantages as long as you know what you’re doing.
Before taking the drastic step of reinstalling Windows, think about how you installed Scrivener. Did you run the installation as Administrator? If not, try that first.
Have you tried uninstalling Scrivener, clearing your browser cache, re-downloading and installing from a completely new download. It can happen that the original download was corrupted in some way, and re-installing from that wouldn’t solve the problem.
On the Mac, I’d also move the Preference file out of where it has to be and then start Scrivener, which will create a new Preference file. I don’t know if you have the same possibility with Windows Options.
Before that I tried a new download from a browser with a cleaned cache and running the installer as admin. I also deleted the preference file. No luck😓 Scrivener did launch in Safe Mode, however.
I suspect the problem was related to a Windows update as it was working when I bought my laptop two weeks ago. I’ll come back should the issue return.
Sorry for not exploring other solutions, but I really need Scrivener in the next few days.