This look amazing! Thanks so much for your efforts, and for sharing them here.
I have a Scrivener+Pandoc+Pandoc-crossref workflow that is working nicely for a book I’m writing. And I had given some thought to writing up the workflow after the book is finished, to share with others. But I suspect that this effort of yours is far superior to what I’ve worked up, and better documented than I could do, too! Also, I rely so heavily on pandoc-crossref and I worry that it’s just one guy and that it could stop working well with pandoc if he abandon’s the project. Am I right that while Quarto’s cross-referencing tools are based on pandoc-crossref, they are being maintained by the Quarto folks and are for that reason possibly less likely to become deprecated?
Thanks again!
P.S. I’m just now seeing @nontroppo’s related post from last year. Thanks to you both for these super useful templates and write-ups!