My current Mac has died and as I install Scrivener on a new computer I want to set it up as it was on the old. I do have a backup copy of the computer on another drive and therefore access to Application Support etc. Is it just a case of replacing the new Folder with the old one or is there more to it than that?
It might have been better to export preferences, etc. from Scrivener on the old machine, then import them on the new, but importing from Application Support may work.
Thanks. I didn’t have that luxury. The old machine died without any warning. That’s why I’m looking for an alternative to export/input of preferences.
There is a knowledge base article that should help with some of this. Note the checklist it recommends is the preference export/import bit, but in your case you would want to go into your backups Library/Preferences folder, and copy the com.literatureandlatte.scrivener3.plist file over. You may need to log out and back in after doing that, if you’ve already run Scrivener during this session, because of how the Mac caches preferences during a session.
Thanks AmberV. Do I also need to replace the Scrivener Application Support folder with the old one as I suggested at the beginning? Many thanks.
Yes, there shouldn’t be anything important in there from the new installation, unless you’ve already done some work and have backups in there. The Application Support folder is where all of your custom compile formats, project templates and other goodies will be.
The Knowledge Base article answers that.
Thanks. I scanned through that link you gave me. Am I going to have problems deactivating Scrivener on the old dead machine since I can’t access it?
Only if you care. You probably won’t run into a limit on the number of machines you can use Scrivener on. If you do, you can contact Literature & Latte to deal with it.
Thanks very much That’s great!
Take note of Scrivener’s holiday schedule which was available top post earlier today. I don’t see it now, though. Tomorrow (17 Dec) might be the last day they can help you with licences, if you need it.
This is the holiday closure post: Customer Support Closing Dates for Christmas 2021
Note that an unlicensed copy of Scrivener will run in trial mode for 30 days of actual use. In the event you do need help, that should be enough to carry you through the closure.