Stageplay template - how to create?


Just bought the program after writing a 1st draft screenplay during the trial period. This is the most BEAUTIFUL program for writing scripts ever! Simple to use, everything all in one place - i love it. I am telling all my writer friends about it.

My query is about templates. I’m primarily a playwright in the UK. Is there a template for stage plays? Some posts have referenced the BBC scriptsmart template guidelines, which are great. However, the screenplay template provided with v1.03 is not very useful for UK stage plays. Is there any template?

If not, does anyone know how to create such a template? I know that we can save documents as templates, but how do we adapt the Script Elements to make shortcuts?

Hi Shege,

First you need to Customise your Toolbar so that TEXT MODE appears in the tool bar.

Then you will find Stage Play (UK) always at hand under General Text.

You have had a look at this I expect: … mats.shtml

These formats are in PDF format and you will need Adobe Acrobat or Preview to view them.

Screenplay - Standard format for films and single TV drama

Screenplay - Standard format for filmed TV shows (with act breaks)
BBC Taped Drama - House-format for taped drama series
BBC Taped Sitcom - House-format for studio-based audience sitcom
Tape-Live - Standard U.S. format for taped studio shows
Three-Camera - Standard U.S. format for studio-based audience sitcom

BBC Scene Style - House-format for drama and non-audience comedy
BBC Cue Style - House-format for audience comedy and sketch
U.S. Radio Drama - Standard U.S. format

U.K. Stage - Acceptable U.K. format
U.S. Stage - Standard U.S. format

Manuscripts for Publication
Comic book - Full Script - Acceptable format
Comic book - Full Script - Acceptable format, screenplay style
Novel - Standard format
Short Story - Standard format

NOTE: Some of the examples offered here are generic script formats based on standard industry specifications and house-styles. Pagination, fonts and other details may differ between organisations and productions.

Maybe Keith could set up a REAL template for UK Stageplays in a future version of Scrivener. In the meantime this Template is what a UK stageplay looks like according to the BBC.

The scrtpl file goes in your ~Library folder>Application Support>Scrivener>Templates
Stageplay UK (BBC FORMAT).scrtpl (14.3 KB)


Yes, as Lord Lightning says, just go to the Text menu, then select Mode > Stageplay (UK).

In the next version (1.04), which should be available within the next couple of weeks or so, you will be able to customise script formats.


Thanx 2 u both 4 speedy replies!

I found the method you mentioned to change the shortcuts. Works fine thanks.

I put the scrptl file in Templates, but not sure how to view the BBC format you mention. If I try to Create New Document with the template, it doesn’t seem to do anything different to standard template.,

Just completed first draft of a shortfilm with Scrivener. Luv it luv it

If you open a NEW project Scrivener will automatically give you a look at what templates are available. You choose one and go from there.

how do i do that for the above comic book formats?

againdemon - if you haven’t already, download the new beta from the Beta Testing forum. This allows much great flexibility in setting up screenplay formats; you can now choose and set up each element as you want it, so you could easily set up a comic book format as you wish.

There should also be a Comic Book template with the next update (the beta test is just the application - when I package it all together on the DMG for release, the extras such as templates will be included).

You’ll have to figure things out for yourself in the beta for now, though, as the reason it is a beta is that I’m still going through and updating the Help file. This stuff will be covered in the Help file for the release version, which should hopefully be ready in about a week or so (though I’ve been saying that for weeks).

All the best,

In the meantime this may help a bit. … php?t=1271


thanks for the scoop. so far, the program does most of what i’d use word for, which is what i’ve been trying to replace, for years… (although i know that’s not the intent of scrivener)

Hey, LL/KB, the Text Mode option doesn’t appear in my customize toolbar. Weird! Any idea what’s going on? Oh, I’m using 1.55b, and I even tried in with a clean plist.

It’s the one titled “Format” (it’s been renamed) - the one with arrows indicating a switch between a script and paragraphs.


AmberV has put up a new sticky for Templates here: … php?t=1915


Hi bhpascal, if Format doesn’t work for you try TEXT in the menu bar.