I’ve just started using Scrivener, and I’m a bit confused on how the Target Progress Bar colors are used.
The colors set for the Target Progress are Start Color as Red, Midway as Green, End as Blue and Overflow as Yellow, but the color that appears for the start color is yellow, while the overflow color stays the same.
The colors are working fine on Session and Draft Target, but I encountered something else. The overflow on the Document/Project Target stops abruptly right when it reaches the end.
Set the Target Progress Bar colors any color you like in File > Options > Appearance > Progress Bars.
I changed the Target colors, but the Overflow Color (Yellow) is appearing instead of the Start Color (Red) while the overflow color is still yellow. It’s working fine in the Project Target.
The Overflow color (Yellow) shows the amount of words your wrote more than the Target. The overflow is shown from the left of the Document Target Bar, so it may look like a Start color, but he Start color won’t show anymore after you’ve written more than 50% of your target. The Midway color will show until you’ve written 100% of your Target, then the End Color kicks in.
That’s how I would have expected it to work, but instead the Start Color that should be appearing as red is yellow and the Overflow color stays yellow. This happens in both the Outliner and the Document bar, but works fine in Session/Draft Target.
I’ve tried this on different themes (with the target colors adjusted) and projects, but the result is still the same, so I don’t think there’s any fix for it. I searched for a similar issue here but only found one post describing the same problem I’ve had.
There was another bug while I messing with the progress bar where the overflow would almost completely overlap to the end but would stay frozen regardless of the word count. The same thing would happen in the Project Target as well.
Hopefully this gets fixed.
Have a look at this thread, which might explain what you are seeing. Basically the Outliner is “wrong”, and it is something we have on the list of things to fix.