Trouble with Scrivener on iPhone

I’ve experienced the same problem as described in this thread. By toggling modes and restarting the app I got it to work. However, until I found this thread I had no idea what to do and I am quite disappointed in the slow reaction from the Scrivener team, considering how severe this problem is.

I am having the exact same issue. Just updated the. iOS version and I can’t open anything, even after synching and trying a few of the other possible fixes mentioned in this thread.

I can’t open any of my projects. I’m on iPhone 8 Plus with the latest version of iOS 13

I managed to fix this by clearing the RAM.

  1. With the iPhone open on the home screen, hold the power button until the slide to power off appears.
  2. Release the power button
  3. Hold down the home button for about five seconds until it returns to the home screen
  4. Open Scrivener
    Problem solved

For later iPhone without home button see … -required/

Hello all I believe I have found a work-around :bulb: when the switching off of dark mode does not seem to help. So for me it worked at first and then it stopped working again. I kept messing with it and I finally found a work-around for now:

  • Create a project: call it “test”.
  • Save it to your files app on the iPhone.
  • Open project inside of the files app and it should open your scrivener.
  • When you go back to the menu, VOILA, it’s like nothing ever happened.

Keep that file over on your files app because you will have to use it every single time you close the app and reopen it. But hey, it’s a pretty simple fix while we wait for the code to get fixed.

Please let me know if this helped.

Happy writing!

#darkmode #ios #bug #wont #open