unable to verify your activation for more then two months

After working well for several days I am also getting the new 3/6 month message. It just started tonight.

Having the same error message, except that it now says 3 months. Scrivener is permitted through my firewall. And it is lagging to a frustrating degree.

This is really annoying, I thought the new version had fixed this bug. I too am getting the ‘License Engine broken connection’ error message again.

Please fix this!

Adding my name to the list of the people this is happening to. It was working fine after the update that fixed the original issue, then yesterday I started receiving the 3/6 month message. I’m running Windows 10 and my .Net framework is up to date. I don’t have the skills to run all the stuff mentioned earlier in this thread and don’t want to risk messing up my computer trying to fix it.

I’ve been a Scrivener for Windows user since the very first version was released for Windows and have encouraged quite a few people over the years to use this software. I’m frustrated that this is now happening and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I use this software every single day with quite a few projects going at any one time and I can’t afford to have it stop working or have to deal with this every few weeks or months. When I activate software that I’ve paid for, I expect it to work from that point forward and not have to be reactivated over and over again.

I hope this is going to be fixed again soon and permanently this time.

A little online searching found that it’s kind of a “duh”: in Windows 7, go to the Control Panel, Programs, and then Programs and Features or just Uninstall a program, and scroll down the list of installed programs to Microsoft .NET Framework. Duh.

Another name to add to the list. Can the devs or anyone confirm if this error is the same as the last? Will it compromise my files? If not, I can live with an annoying message until another fix is released.

I’m adding myself to the list of folks with this problem. I was getting the 2/4 months message repeatedly until I installed the update. That seemed to fix the problem. Now, the last few times I’ve restarted Scrivener I’ve gotten the 3/6 months message. I checked my .Net version and it’s correct according to my son. I’m not technically inclined, so I’m hoping for an easy fix soon.

Please open support tickets for these errors. There appear to be at least two possible causes, and it’s very machine and connection specific, so it’s difficult to offer a simple solution in a forum thread.


And to the question upthread, no, this does not appear to be the same error as before.


Thanks for replying. How does one open a support ticket?

MarionB - Click on Folder in Task bar (the bottom bar). Go to C:// folder (ordinateur - computer) folder. Find (X86) folder. This is the “Program Files” in English. This might be “Fichiers de programme” for you. OPen Scrivener folder. Inside This folder, is “Paddle” folder. Open it. Click on Paddle.exe. It will open and close.

Next get out of the Paddle Folder. In the Scrivener folder, find Scrivener.exe. Immediately below this icon IS ScrivenerLog.bat. Right click on it and find “Run as Administrator” (Exécuter en tant qu’administrateur?). It will have a blue and yellow icon in front of it.

Sorry, but I do not know how to copy the console data. However, a window with a black screen and white text will pop up and run. When it is done, then you will be able to see all the data. Check the menu to see if there is a way to copy. Ctrl C does not always work in Console windows. Once its copied, Ctrl V should work for pasting. I hope this works for you!

Mods - Yes, I did update because I was having the issue. We will see if I have the issue next month. I will patiently wait for another hot fix. Thanks!



I stated getting the notification on both laptops today. I was able to correct Laptop One by doing a re-install of 1.9.14, since there was no Paddle directory in (x86) Scrivener. The Paddle directory appeared on re-install. I ran Scrivener.exe, re-entered my email and licence number, and so far, I’m good to go on Laptop One.

Laptop two: I ran Paddle.exe, then ran Scrivener. I re-entered my email and licence number, and so far, it is good to go also.

I must concur with another poster that it appears that Paddle is not up to the task. Unfortunately for L&L, this Paddle inability to function, and Paddle’s likely inability to fix or repair the problem, is not what L&L needs right now.

I can’t copy the entire bug log, but for me Paddle stumbles here:

Debug: License Server reply received. Warning: Could not find active Internet connection access point. Cannot verify activation.

Internet is perfectly fine here. I do have an older (2013), slightly slower computer. Everything is up to date.

Edit: oh wait, there’s the log file:

[code]Debug: “Fri Oct 4 08:27:11 2019” "

Application: Scrivener
Build: Release

Executable: Scrivener.exe
Compiler: MSVC.NET 1600
Qt-Compiled: 4.8.6
Qt-Runtime: 4.8.6
Windows Version: Unknown Windows Version
Created: Sep 13 2019 00:39:35
Debug: Runtime Location: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener”
Debug: Installed Location: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener”

[loading a gazillion fonts]

Debug: License server started.
Debug: Starting communication.
Debug: Communication enabled.
Debug: Sending command: “Configure”
Debug: Message sent to server, waiting for reply.
Debug: License Server reply received.
Debug: Sending command: “Product”
Debug: Message sent to server, waiting for reply.
Debug: License Server reply received.
Warning: Could not find active Internet connection access point. Cannot verify activation. [/code]

I seem to get quite close to the end of the tunnel compared to the others.

Edit 2: the odd thing is that by opening Scrivener this way I don’t get the license warning pop up. Just the warning in the log file.

I’m still getting the message. This is what my log says:

[code]Application: Scrivener
Build: Release

Executable: Scrivener.exe
Compiler: MSVC.NET 1600
Qt-Compiled: 4.8.6
Qt-Runtime: 4.8.6
Windows Version: Windows 7

Debug: License server started
Debug: Starting commnication
Debug: Communication enabled.
Debug: Sending command: “Configure”
Debug: Message sent to serve, waiting for reply
Debug: License Server reply received.
Debug: Sending command: “Product”
Debug: Message sent to server, waiting for reply
Debug: License Server reply received.
Warning: Could not find active Internet connection access point. Cannot verify activation.[/code]
(I’m running Windows 7 and .net 4.7.2.)

I’ve opened a support ticket last week, but haven’t heard back yet. However, since it seems to be quite a common problem, I hope you’ll roll out a new version soon that actually fixes the problem - instead of just extending the activation warning time as the last one seems to have done.

Here we go again. After what I thought was a successful update via version 1.9.14, I received the following error message. I also restarted computer system, loaded Scrivener. and received the same message. Will Scrivener convert to the trial version, and when will L&L permanently resolve this issue.
scrivener license activation issue.png

I am receiving the same error as the prior poster, after upgrading to 1.9.14.

I’ve attempted to debug what’s going on using HTTPS sniffers on my local machine, and in all cases what I’m seeing is a 408 request timeout where the remote server is not sending a response in the expected time. This is always preceded by a 102 Unable to authenticate/Bad API Key response. It is uncertain whether this 102 is from Paddle or from Cloudflare which sits in the middle (EDITED: confirmed its from Paddle). Hopefully this helps in figuring out what is causing this very vexing problem.

Same issue (AGAIN) for me as well. Everything seemed fine after the fix from this forum and then the update to I’ve opened another support ticket, and sent them a copy of my most recent log, though I know this is probably going to require another update on L&L’s end.

It’s frustrating to deal with this issue again when it seemed resolved… although the fact that the message now says “automatic re-activation with our license provider has failed for more than 3 months” instead of saying 2 months, as it did in September, makes me think perhaps the issue wasn’t really fixed in the first place.

Yep, it’s back. Sigh. At least we had a short reprieve.

I’m gonna open a ticket support with a copy of my console data.
Sorry it took me so much time to come back here and thank you, I got the warning message everyday when opening Scrivener but you know, ain’t nobody got time for that :smiley:
Thank you so much! The procedure was cristal clear and your superfluous indications are the cutest thing I ever read on a forum.


This has been bugging me since July. It’s a quick fix, bit of a pain, but better than nothing. Here’s what I did:
Uninstalled. re-installed from the website. De-activate inside Scrivener and then reactivate.

Edited to say:

I didn’t lose any files. I uninstalled and cleaned out all the old downloads because I had to reinstall each time I wanted to use it to get it to work. It would freeze otherwise. If you haven’t clogged with lots of downloads of the .exe file, maybe a simply deactivate/reactivate will work.

I did this four days ago and now have no issues at all.

I hope this works for you as well.