Using Scrivener with reference software (wiki)

Zotero (CDS Open source) [macOS / Windows / Linux]

:exclamation:Zotero 7 has been released and is a great update, but if you want to use RTF/ODF-scan plugin it is not, and will not be made compatible with Zotero 7. So stick to V6.x or switch to the more flexible BibTex workflow…

Zotero is a well-established open source and free reference manager. Originally developed as a Firefox plugin, it became an independent app that is fully cross-platform. It has a number of plugins which enable Zotero to integrate with Scrivener. There are two main workflows with Scrivener, based on scannable citations(RTF/ODF-scan) or BibTeX(Better BibTeX) cite keys. In addition a couple of accessory tools to simplify the workflow, offering something similar to Bookends great floating citation interface.

Choose Zotero in Scrivener’s settings…

For maximum flexibility install BOTH core extensions to give you the maximum workflow flexibility.

Installing Core Extensions

  1. Better BibTeX (BBT)— follow the installation instructions.
  2. RTF/ODF Scan (only Zotero V6) — see here for detailed instructions. Install the extension in Zotero AND you must manually install the Scannable cite.js file into your Zotero Data directory translators subfolder , e.g. /Users/USERNAME/Zotero/translators/Scannable Cite.js.

To use, you must configure your Zotero Settings ⇨ Export ⇨ Quick Copy ⇨ Item Format to be either:

  • Better BibTeX Quick Copy (BBT).
  • Scannable Cite (ODF Scan)

For BBT, set it up to auto-export your Zotero references to a BIB file: Automatic export :: Better BibTeX for Zotero

For BBT you should configure the quick cite option to one of many formats, though I’d strongly recommend usng Pandoc format for maximum flexibility.

Inserting temporary citations

  1. No floating citations — In Scrivener press Y to switch to Zotero, then search+select your reference and press C to quick copy, then TAB back to Scrivener and paste.
  2. With floating citations — In Scrivener call up the tool, search and hit enter to insert it into your text.

Temporary/Scannable cite examples:

  • BBT (pandoc format): [@sallet2022]
  • ODF-scan: { | Sallet, 2022 | | |zu:1940082:7FGYRYDZ}

[optional] Install Floating Cite UI

To make writing a bit smoother you can install a UI that searches then pastes the citation. There are several options, the best ones both require Alfred, but there is a plain interface that uses Applescript:

  1. Super Citation Picker for Alfred — used for Pandoc / LaTeX based outputs. It uses a BibTeX file and searches in real-time so it can be used for any app even with Zotero closed.
  2. ZotHero for Alfred — used for Pandoc / LaTeX based outputs. It searches the Zotero database directly, no need for a BibTeX intermediate, but Zotero needs to be running.
  3. Zotpicker — Needs BBT to function, and while the recommended workflow is Pandoc, you can also use the picker for scannable cites. The script can be saved as an app bundle then configure Scrivener to use this as the citation tool. Warning: this script may or may not work based macOS’s overly restrictive security settings. It is better to download the script itself, then save it as an application and self-sign it, then remove and add it from the macOS Security > Accessibility settings. You can also run the Applescript directly using a tool like BetterTouchTool or any Applescript runner: zotpick-applescript/zotpick-pandoc for Scrivener.applescript at master · davepwsmith/zotpick-applescript · GitHub – here is an example using Scrivener + zotpick run via BetterTouchTool:

Compile options

  1. For Pandoc citations with BetterBibTeX use an MMD compiler workflow to Pandoc (with almost any output format) , using the --citeproc option which will use a CSL style to convert the temporary citations to a finished bibliography, or use Pandoc to convert your Scrivener markdown document to LaTeX and set --biblatex if you prefer to use BibLaTeX.
  2. There is a pandoc filter that can even convert the temporary citations into “Live” Zotero citations for DOCX and ODT, see Markdown/Pandoc :: Better BibTeX for Zotero for details.
  3. For RTF/ODF Scan, export to ODT then follow their instructions.