What fonts do you use?

I also like Avenir a lot, recently. So, yeah, Inconsolata and Avenir are my favorite fonts at the mo

I found it for $33. It’s nice, for sure

Hi Jaysen! Been well, thanks. Nose to the grindstone and all that. I’ve kept up with most of the Scrivener goings on (read: I’ve been lurking) but haven’t had a chance to post much. (Plus, Keith has made the damn program so good these days, I’ve run out of things to complain about!)

Trust all is well with you?

Oh cool, glad you found a deal guys! Enjoy the font.

Why not go with Courier Prime? Free, free, free and modern.
[Courier Prime: It's Courier, just better.]
(Courier Prime: It's Courier, just better.)

That’s a good font too! I’ve had it in my shortlist for some time. I prefer OGM for its more sans approach; it uses a minimum amount of gesture to pull of a letter, without being too abrupt about it. Overall though, It is nice to see so many high-quality fixed-width fonts to choose from these days though. There has never been a better time to switch from using a typewriter. :mrgreen:

Courier Screenplay is another choice, but I prefer Courier prime.


Direct link:
fadeinpro.com/dl/download/fo … enplay.zip

Free, free, free

I forgot Sabon - a clear, more distinctive, less hackneyed replacement for TNR.

It`s Courier New for me. It is next to typewriter, and non-proportional, which is good for on-screen proofreading as well. Also, compiling a 30x60 Courier document is the “old” professional way of presenting scripts to German publishers (novel scripts are measured in basic page i. e. 1 800 letters, not individual letters).

But if I want some atmosphere, I also use Topaz Plus (see example).

Paper-saving proofreading with small Arial or Helvetica.

I’ve been working with Merriweather for a while now and I must say I really like it! :slight_smile:

It was Mrs Pigfender who put me on to the font. I understand that they also have a Merriweather Sans now, although I’ve not seen it myself… yet.

I’d had never thought that fonts were such an interesting topic. This forum rocks! 8)

In that case, thank her for me, too.

I came across an interesting tool called SkyFonts, for which I didn’t find a reference in the forum, so just in case you’re interested: it allows you to select and sync to your computers any fonts you pick from the Google Fonts project and apply future updates automatically.

Hahahahahaaa! :laughing:


Thanks! After installing this, I’ve been using Quicksand and Quattrocento fonts.

Mostly I use Sentinel Medium from HFJ (Typography.com). It costs USD$200 but it’s worth it for me.

If you like Garamond then you should definitely check out EB Garamond which is open source version, free and very well done IMO. georgduffner.at/ebgaramond/

If you prefer your fonts slab oriented, then take a look Exo 2 which is gentle on the eyes and pocket - ndiscovered.com/index.php/exo-2-0

If you prefer an Helvetica style font, then you can’ go past Open Sans or Lato (both downloadable from Google Fonts). Because Lato comes in four weights, I prefer it.

If you mind wants something more original and curvaceous with a smidgen of lush then I would suggest Averia Libre - also available from Google. There are several styles including Sans and Gruesa - you should try them all to find a favourite. They are all free - google.com/fonts/specimen/Averia+Serif+Libre

Baskerville 120 Pro.

All the way!

It makes my work look serious. And, my editors think it’s ‘serious’ adult literature.

‘Her breasts overflowed like milk, from atop the blouse’ (got rejected thrice by my editor - ridiculous statement, he says) looks so much better in Baskerville (got accepted this time around with Baskerville!) than, say, a courier based font. :stuck_out_tongue: (just kidding, folks)

Say, did you notice — when you are typing into the reply box, you’re actually typing in Trebuchet?

As Ever – ZG

I read somewhere that there have actually been studies into this, and Baskerville did indeed come out as a more ‘trustworthy’ font than (if I recall correctly) TNR, Arial, Georgia, Garamond, Courier, and Helvetica.