What templates do you want in Scrivener 2.0?

You want the Library under your username, so Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/Scrivener/ProjectTemplates. If there’s no ProjectTemplates folder there, just create one (it doesn’t get created until you import new templates).

You can also just create a new project in Scrivener and from the template-chooser dialogue select the “Options” button and then “Import Templates…” which will let you choose the file from your hard drive and will dump it into your Application Support folder etc. You can then delete the original download.

EDIT: Yes, what Ioa said. :wink:



yes but… where is that ‘Manage…’ button?


Sorry, I mistyped it above; the menu button is “Options”

I know I’d love to give this template a whirl, as well.

Anyone interested in this template, please PM me your e-mail address so I can send it to you.

Note that I’ve split Beyo’s questions into a separate technical support thread, which can be found here:


I don’t give a hoot about about templates - I need flexibility to create my own.

You do. Write something. Then go File, Save As Template.

See §7.5.2 of the manual for extensive details.

The scientific community would greatly benefit from a research paper, a thesis paper and a dissertation (for Doctoral degree) template.

There is an award wining PhD by Research template (Qualitative) here on page 4:


I would purchase Scrivener today if it has a template for a non-fiction book.

My main consideration against purchasing the program is that this template has been repeatedly requested through these forum posts but never addressed by the developers of the program.

What exactly are you looking for in such a template, though? It’s difficult for anyone, Keith or other users, to make a template without really understanding what it is you want in the template. There are a thousand and one types of non-fiction book and as many methods to organizing them. If you have ideas for how this template might work (ideas that are achievable in Scrivener), please share them!

There’s only one developer - me - and I am, alas, not an expert in every single possible format. Every time a template is requested I ask what would be involved, and if I don’t get enough information then it is not really possible for me to create the template. But anyone can create templates for Scrivener, so you would be able to create on that met your needs yourself - just look through the existing templates to see how they’re done.

It’s also worth noting that I could only create a certain number of templates for 2.0 given that each template takes me many hours of perfecting, and I included the ones that had been most-frequently requested. A business template is asked for occasionally, but not often, and no one has been quite able to explain what might go into such a template - I welcome any ideas.

I am not deliberately trying to deny the business community their rightful template as you seem to be implying. :slight_smile:

I have a whole bunch of notebooks, collected over the years, most of them journals of one sort or another, and I’ve been trying to organize them into a coherent pattern, to be used in constructing my autobiography, which will be in great demand eventually, when everyone has a chance to see how wonderfully well constructed it is and what a remarkable life I’ve led and how neatly it all fits into the grand scheme of human existence as a part of the literature as well as a contribution to the arts and perhaps even to the sciences inasmuch as I’ve dabble extensively in most of them – the sciences and the arts, in fact – and I’m right now in the process, as I may already have noted, of putting the vast project together, and I think I need a special sort of template, and I really need it pretty soon.

I’ve already figured out how to put my notes together. What I need is a gadget which will hold the hand-written notes upright on my desk while I type them. Is there a Scrivener template which will do that, and if not, when will there be?


4.0. It comes with a coffee maker, too!

A template for technical courseware would be nice. Something based on eXML, preferable.

A business template, eh? For what sort of business?

I thought people called what they did in the water closet “business”? Do they mean a business plan, as in what one uses to persuade others to fund or lend? Do they mean a contract? Do they mean a report? Do they mean a memorandum? A memorandum of what type: to the file, fact reporting, persuasion, proposal, periodic report? Perhaps maybe they mean a SEC 10K report? That’s BUSINESS!

This trouble of business is perplexing. Do they perhaps mean the business of management, sales, or the board? maybe they mean the business of tracking one’s business?

it could be very busy to make such a template! there’s a business about the business of a business template!

Personally, the best one is the WC template – it could automatically load the comic, crossword, and soduku – that’s the right business template.

Here is my contribution to the templates.

Specifically, AND LEST ANYONE NOT BUY SCRIVENER FOR WANT OF SUCH TEMPLATE, here is a template for the non-fiction book:


Pay someone to write this section who has good marketing cache.

Chapter 1.
Here is a theory about this problem and I wrote this book to: tell you about the problem because no one else noticed / report on the problem because everyone else is wrong / tell you about the solution nobody else noticed / tell you about somehting I think is interesting and no one talks about.

Chapter 2.
Here’s the grease and grit of all the cool stuff nobody else noticed or gets wrong.

Chapter 3.
Here’s more of the same but about something else related.

Chapter 4.
Here’s some really cool stuff I found that surprises me that the people who did this didn’t figure out what I did.

Chapter 5.
Here’s what will happen if you understand what I’m writing about.

Chapter 6.
Here’s everything I told you rehashed again in new form, and directives for how to carry it memorably with you.

Chapter 7.
Here’s what needs to happen or here’s the stuff I didn’t write about, but the reader should.