Who's in?

I hesitate to say it, but I think I might be in, too. Blame Pigfender and NIAD 2. It’s given me a taste for writing again, after months in the desert.

I have just logged in to my NaNo account, and it still shows the music I was NaNo-ing to in 2007! Dear oh dear oh dear. I’m sure I’ve updated my account since then!

Hmmm…interesting choice of word.
Do take care,
Dr Mulality

Oh dear, that makes three insane L&L party members this year, I think.

I’m in for the 7th year. :smiley:

Been up to my eyeballs in revisions, which put me behind on my NaNo planning. I’ll be outlining my butt off between now and midnight Halloween.

I’ love NaNo! Bring on the sleepless nights, the bucketfuls of coffee, booze, and chocolate. Oh, and that damn free shrimp dinner, too! :smiling_imp:

Tomorrow’s the big day. :slight_smile: I just wish I had something to write about… It’s going to be a trickle of semi-consciousness, at this rate.

Edited to add: I go by the name of Sabre in the NaNo forums, by the way. I can’t remember why. I think that at the time I joined, back in the mists of 2004, I was writing something with a sword in it.

I’m in yet again. OogieM over there too. Getting my laptop all tricked out with scrivener, scapple and aeon timeline and all my research notes in DEVONThink so I can take it down to the local pub/brewery tasting room and write away. I’ll be in good company, Craig Childs wrote a lot of his most recent books, Apocalyptic Planet in there. :slight_smile:

Hey could some kind soul attach a blank NaNo 2012 template project? Template import isn’t working on either platform for me. (Think the spaces and parenthesis in it are throwing it)

Here you go!
nano12_blank.scriv.zip (98.2 KB)

YOu’re pure awesomesauce. I’ll share it with the other Linux folks. :slight_smile:

Well it’s no wonder it ain’t working. What d’ y’ expect for, or from, a bunch of sartorially inelegant, ubuntus and gnomes :open_mouth:

You compose, too? Cool! Wanted to have a CD’s worth of stuff done by June. Then I replaced my old, ailing computer. I said December… I know how to procrastinate.

Good thing I use neither. :wink:


Not so much on the desktop anymore. New one uses UEFI. :frowning:

Typical girl…obtuse to a fault :confused:

Wear?!! :open_mouth:

I see what you did there… :wink:

:smiley: Knew y’ would. Anyone…even a girl…who can handle a computer fitted with Unified Efficient Fuel Injectors, can’t be all daft. :smiley:


'y seen this? theregister.co.uk/2012/09/19/win8_rootkit/ :open_mouth:

Didn’t take 'em long to rootkit Win8. As much as I bitch about Macs, they’re generally good about plugging such things.

I’m not doing NaNo this year.

Partly because I’m on a two-week road trip and can’t write while travelling, but mostly because back in June I managed to write the first 51,000 words of a novel in 167 hours (from 12:05am on Saturday June 15th, to 11pm the following Friday), and on to a 109,000 word finish line in 18 days. Then spent two weeks in bed, recovering.

Not doing this again: don’t want to damage myself.

(The book is under offer and will hopefully be in print in 2015.)

Book under offer? Congrats!

I want to do it, but I’ve got a violin/piano piece I need to get out the door sometime this week. Urk. We’ll see how much brainpower I"ve got after it’s done.

Just be careful, there G. Them pianos are heavy buggers, and it’s easy to put your back out lugging them about.

Well done Charlie. Take it easy, if y’ want to see it published.