Who's in?

Too much to do. But I promise I’ll write at the time of my retirement - in about 23 years from now.


Naw, moving pianos are relatively easy and pain-free. I threw my back out moving a printer. Don’t twist your back when carrying things, folks.

This year is my very first NaNo and it has introduced me to Scrivener! I’m 2521 words away from my NaNo win and then I can start doing research!

Anyway, I’m here, I’m new, this is my very first post on Literature and Latte, but I bet that doesn’t mean y’all’ll be nice to me. :wink:

Yeah, you’re right; we won’t all won’t be nice (vic-k will eventually post a reply). So I’ll simply say, “Congratulations on your (almost) NaNo win. Impressive effort!”

I’ve got to go be grumpy somewhere else now.

Chéri, mon amour,
I will be… how you say… votre petit ami, you special little friend, or, fiend, if you prefer
Bonne chance, chéri, avec NaNoWriMo!
If you win… I can…how you say…be your special prize… oui… non?
:laughing: :laughing: Mere de Lucifer! oo-la-laa!

[size=150]Le D[/size] :smiling_imp:

I WON!!! I WON!!! I WON!!!

Thank you Scrivener for making my first NaNoWriMo far less painful than it would have been without you!

Oooh! Look at my special prize! I can’t wait to vanquish it!!! 8)

Hmmm, isn’t there some writing rule out not using too many exciting marks?

Mon Amour,
We will… how you say… ‘scotch’ that myth, non? Your place or mine? :wink: :smiling_imp:
Congratulation, mon petite Scrivener/NaNoWriMo Champess.
You deserve you special prize c’est moi :wink:
When you feel the chill… I shall be there
Au Revoir Chérie…for now :wink: 8) :smiling_imp:

[size=150]Le D[/size] :smiling_imp:

Congratulations Ellen M! :smiley:

And watch out for vic-k. A careful reading of his post demonstrates his true intentions: he’s after your whiskey…

Oh, whiskey. Tell you what, you guys bring the whiskey – make sure it’s Bailey’s Irish Cream – and then I’ll have some in my house for absconding with. Deal?

Probably not. You guys probably don’t want to deal with people who end their sentences with prepositions, huh?

Mistress Ellen,
Aboard Scrivener, it’s best to assume that the majority of the people you will encounter aboard this rat infested dirty stinking, leaky old tub, wouldn’t know what a preposition was, even if its definition was tattooed onto the inside of their eyelids, let alone when and where to use it.

However, in attempting to assuage, your concern, let me point you toward youtube.com/watch?v=9OLxLK_ … DBEB7D975C
Hope this helps
Congratulations on winning NaNoWriMo, although aboard Scrivener, it may prove to be a pyrrhic victory
PS Welcome aboard, Scrivener, The Ship Of Fools. Mistress Ellen :wink:

Ellen! :open_mouth:
These aren’t the forums to be prepositioning online on!
Oh, and, er, you’ll buy the whiskey for me to abscond with if vic-k brings the Bailey’s? Did I get that right?

How do you think I asked my wife to marry me if I didn’t know what a preposition was?

Are y’ having a pre-senior moment? I’m sure I have an email, wherein you detail the events leading up to your marriage. Didn’ you have to, bribe, her? :confused:

Nah, you’re getting confused. I didn’t have to bribe my future wife, just the future inlaws.

And now my Scrivener is fully licensed!!! This is all just toooooo exciting.

And we’re on a ship? And it leaks? And we all have scurrrrrrvy? And RATS too! Oh, I meant no offense Mr. Vic-k.

Mistress Ellen
Aboard Scrivener, ‘offence’ abounds! Feel free to offend whomsoever you choose.

But only if they’re cats.


Back on topic :pfrrttttttt

Topic? There’s a topic?