[will there be a...] NiAD 2019**

Well… Nom is in so you’re safe(ish) until he takes a nap.

Ha ha ha… huh?

Wait a minute…
I’m pretty sure my psychiatrist said these meds were Jaysen-suppressants, so there’s no way I could turn into you in time for NiAD. Shame, but you can’t argue with medical science*.

[size=50]*Actually you can, but no one pays any attention unless it’s published in a journal with a high impact number and/or you are good at applying for really big research grants[/size]

I don’t think those options are mutually exclusive. This could be fun…

I think we should use your logic and accept it as both!

Let us begin our derailing of the NiaD thread with the usual… wait… is it more disturbing if we do our normal banter or if we sit quietly in the corner? Building a tense quiet that will make piggy all twitchy while he starts to contemplate all the things we could be doing…

Relegated to time out once again :imp:

I suspect

may have contributed to the decision

Just me being me! And you know I’m perfectly OK being told “go over there while the grown ups talk”.

Very happy to see another NiaD coming. Mrs is putting in the order for rum as I type.

Yeah, it’s fun down here!! Are those bugs? And what’s that? Is that a mouse trap?

WHY ARE YOU TRAPPING MY MOUSE? I need it to click on things…

It’s more fun when we can Vic-k to come out and play…

Calling for reinforcements so soon?

Hey, that gives me a whole new idea of what that rodent trap is for.

[nom sits quietly in the corner watching the mice play]

Is vic-k a reinforcement or an entire circus of fun? And if he IS the circus then we can all get ring side seats!

Rain for cement?!!! Wot friggin twaddle! :imp: If anything, I’m the life giving, nurturing rain, gently falling upon the classic beautiful English county garden.

Cement my pfffffftt!! :imp:

Dear grrr grrr,
Pangur is mithering me to advise you to be careful you don’t put your foot in it. He can be very caring and kind … some times.

But surely the reinforcement is the rebar, not the cement. You oughtn’t reject that out of hand. No, siree. Just think of it. That could be you! Sturdy iron to pulverized stone. Rock, paper, scissors, rebar? It’s a no-brainer! Now, all you have to do is just sign this little release form… Just a formality, you understand.

I missed you vic-k.

You’re Rein-for-Cement is really more about how well you organized the protesters. Aren’t you the guiding force on the cement sidewalk? We are just looking to see that you are recognized as the “force that runs the heads” of those passing by.

The real question is are they looking in support or in horror? :stuck_out_tongue:

Eschewing the semantic duelling, I will, as a HAW of renown/acclaim, admit to a familiarity with the aforementioned rebar, but not however, in a constructional sense, but in a sculptural one. As in pinterest.co.uk/cookieward/ … ement-bar/

Just as welder/sculptor Arthur Dooley put his welding skills to sculptural endeavours, as in: youtube.com/watch?v=Zf3SxOzuc8U several of my former colleagues and I, were prone, at times of mind numbing piece-work boredom, to gather up scrap metal, and turn it into items of profoundly beautiful, uniquely thought provoking and inspirational pieces of sculpture. It’s impossible to recall exactly how many passing by our welding booths would stop, and beseech of us, “What the f***in’ ‘ell is that!?.

However, a friend did once turn up at home with a small bundle of rebar, for me to make him a rack and stand, to house biggish plant pots in his garden. Because of its very basic, and business like shape and function, I’d hesitate to call it sculpturesque. I wouldn’t, but there could be those who would.
Which brings us to Jaysen’s post:

As for the protesters on the picket line, Jaysen, over the years members have come and gone. I’m not too sure as to whether or not we have good proportion of exhibitionists amongst us now. Maybe it’s time to hang up ones KiWCS … what d’ you think?

That’s always a bad idea…

I don’t know about your part of the world, but over here you’re likely to get into trouble if all you’ve got is a KiWCS… so hanging it up will certainly get you in trouble with the authorities. But at your age, that may be desirable as you’re likely to get a sympathetic ear from a jury of pears (meaning they can’t hear the proceeding, and even if they do they are thinking “I wish I had the testicals to do that… but they just hang too low” so no one will find you guilty).

I told you it was a bad idea.

You really are pushing it to the limit, Numpty. If gr gets hold of that It’ll be no end of stuff like ," Sympathetic ear, because pears don’t have ears, or "Is that:
pears or peers
pairs or piers
hairs or heirs
bears or biers , and on and on, bloody ad nauseam !
Y’ really should be more careful.

Funny that, and there I was just about to crank up the old linguistic hijinker.