How will I receive my chapter brief?
At midnight UK time on the morning of whatever Saturday the event is on you will receive an email from containing your full briefing pack.
Why does pigfender continue to do this every year despite moaning about how much he hates it?
Can I see the Scrivener project used to create the books, please?
Yes. The links to the .scriv files are in the same place as the other book formats, here.
How are the books compiled?
Using the magic of Scrivener! In fact not only are the ebooks (epub, mobi and pdf) all generated using Scrivener’s compile function, but so are all the information packs sent round to participants.
Downloadable compile settings for both Mac and Windows will be made available for the 2014 NiaD onwards.
Are the books produced using the Mac version or the Windows version of Scrivener?
We’ve used both over the years…
The Dark - MacOS v2
Lunar520 - Windows
Made Man - Windows
Section 7 - MacOS v2
Marshal Law - MacOS v2
3 Ghosts - MacOS v2
Start Wearing Purple - MacOS v3 (beta)
Auld Lang Syne - MacOS v3
Butterfly Dawn - MacOS v3
The District - MacOS v3
On Your Honor - MacOS v3
I don’t recognise the authors names from their forum handles. Can you provide a map?
Sorry, it’s a secret.
What do I get in an information pack?
The exact contents vary from year to year, but chance are thar the pack will something along the lines of:
- A cheery welcome note!
- A reminder of the deadline
- A writing style guide
- Info on what you have to write about in your section
- Character sheets for any of the characters included in your section
- Location sheets for any locations included in your section
- A few short pieces of research / background that might be helpful
- A final note of advice on how to respond to the brief
It sounds like a lot, but it in practice it isn’t. For example, the writing style guide says little more than “write in whatever style you want”. The final note of advice is again stating the obvious. Eg, it reminds people that things in the part of their brief entitled “Things that have already happened” have already happened, and therefore they don’t need to write about them.
How prescriptive are the chapter briefs?
Information in the chapter briefs is kept deliberately light. I’d rather it was a fun exercise for all and have a few continuity errors than have it be overly prescribed and just “painting by numbers”. As such, please add whatever additional colour and little adventures you like to your chapter, as long as you cover the plot points listed in your brief and respect the start and end points detailed.
The best way to get an idea of these is to read some chapter briefs from previous years’ events.
How much detail is given on the characters?
Not much. Some years I provide photographs, and some years I don’t. There will usually be details on age, key relationships / family, appearance and background. Check out the previous years’ Scrivener project files for examples.
Can I make up my own characters?
Yes, add as many as good taste allows, bearing in mind that any characters you introduce won’t get mentioned anywhere other than your own chapter, and the closer the relationship to an existing character, the more likely that they’ll cause a continuity issue.
That all sounds brilliant! Where do I sign up?
The post to register your interest usually opens a month or two before the event.
In between scheduled events you can register your interest by filling in the form at and we’ll give you a shout when any future events get scheduled.
Hey! I also wrote a NiaD! Where can I get one of those sweeeet forum badges?
Well, at the moment we're not sure how to display these... on the new forum software (signatures aren't currently supported). If you want to download the files for use elsewhere, though...
A number of forum badge files have been uploaded to
You’ll need to add the filename to the end of that address to see the image.
The files have been named according to the number of NiaDs you’ve taken part in. So if you took part in NiaDs 1, 2, 3, and 4 then the file name is 1-2-3-4.png (with a full path of
Similarly, if you took part in NiaDs 2 and 3, the file name would be 2-3.png
I’ve not made badges for every possible combination, only for the sequences that people have actually taken part in. If you think I’ve gotten this wrong, let me know.
To save you a few precious keystrokes, you can just paste the following text into your forum signature, adjusting, of course, the “1-2-3-4.png” part to get the correct PNG file representing the years you’ve taken part:
Is there any merchandise available?
Why yes!
Thanks to persistent badgering on the forum (the threat of Jaysen’s nudity being particularly persuasive), pigfender spent hours designing a t-shirt, refining the artwork, and selecting a manufacturer / distributor that is able to produce high quality prints on fantastic quality shirts AND serve people as diversely spread as Australia, USA and Truro*.
And because he drinks a lot of tea, pigfender also made a mug.
If you were wondering how you could solve your own partial nudity problems (or partially mitigate a larger full nudity problem), or if you need to carry small amounts of hot liquid without burning your hands, this could be just the opportunity you were waiting for: … ite-monkey?
* - If you’ve ever tried to go to Cornwall, you’ll know it takes at least 5 hours to get there, even if you’re already in Cornwall.
I missed the early NiaDs. Will you be re-running those at any point?
There are no plans to at the moment, but if there is sufficient interest in repeating some of the earlier events then we’ll consider it. Of course, they’d look and feel quite different to a typical NiaD as at least some people would be familiar with the overall plot when taking part.
If you’d be interested, join the discussion at Revisit previous years events?