Guidelines for posting wishlist requests


I’m the developer and designer of Scrivener. I’m really grateful for all user suggestions as they have made Scrivener better and better, and enjoy reading users’ ideas. But for the sake of keeping these forums as constructive and manageable as possible, I’d be really grateful if users could follow the basic forum rules laid out below when posting their suggestions.

Note: For users in a rush, all the rules can be expressed concisely as follows:

For those with a little more time, here’s the less terse version:

Scrivener is a program in active development, so all suggestions are welcomed. However, before posting, please do bear in mind that Scrivener cannot be all things to all people, so, whilst I will consider every suggestion, no matter how small, you may just receive a reply saying why it won’t happen. :slight_smile: Please don’t let that put you off making other suggestions though, and don’t be offended if I don’t think your idea is appropriate for Scrivener. Given that I personally read all suggestions and do my best to answer as many as I can, please make sure you follow these rules:

  1. Before posting, use the forum’s “Search” feature. Your suggestion may have been made before. It might already have been implemented for the next version, or it might already be in the current version but hidden away somewhere. Or, there might be a good explanation already available on the forum as to why it isn’t planned. A quick search may provide the answer without any need for posting (if it doesn’t, of course, post!). Reducing multiple posts asking for the same thing saves development time. :slight_smile:

  2. Please be polite; or, sugar your pill. I am not a faceless corporation (and nor am I charging like one), but just an individual attempting to create the best writers’ software that I can with the time and resources available. And that means that sometimes I take things personally. Posts that imply that Scrivener will be no good to anybody unless it implements your suggestions are likely to get a more frosty reception that those that ask politely and provide a good, considered and standalone reason for the request. By the same token, please be considerate enough to explain your suggestion properly, rather than just, “Please make such-and-such better.”

  3. Take “no” for an answer graciously. Sure, sometimes I say no and then change my mind, but once I’ve heard your suggestion, provided I haven’t misunderstood it, I am aware of it and can change my mind or not at my own leisure, so trying to argue your case more forcibly won’t help.

  4. Scrivener is not “software-by-committee” and it is not open source. It is based on my personal vision of what I want for my dream writing software - it just happens that Scrivener has a fastastic user base whose suggestions have really helped refine that vision. There are some great software companies - such as the wonderful Hog Bay Software - who add features based on user votes, but - and I am very upfront about this - Literature & Latte is not one of them, and nor will it be. Features are not added based upon how many users press for them, but rather based upon whether or not I think the feature has a place in Scrivener. I base this on both how well I think the suggestion fits with Scrivener and could be integrated into the program, and also on how practical it would be to implement. You can politely try to convince me, but be aware that if I feel like I’m being bullied I might just direct you to the Cocoa documentation and give you tips on how to program your own app. :slight_smile: With both this and (1) above in mind, please never reply to feature requests posted by others with nothing more than a “+1” - it adds absolutely nothing, and I’m not likely to spend many hours on hundreds of lines of code based on a two-second, two-character vote. :slight_smile: If you have an opinion on a feature request, please express it politely, explaining exactly how you think it should work and why it would be useful.

  5. The Windows version of Scrivener is, at this point in time, playing catch-up with the Mac version. This is simply a matter of how much time it takes to make software, and nothing more. The Mac version was released in (very) early 2007, whereas the Windows version was released nearly five years later, in the final months of 2011. That’s a lot of development time that the Mac version has had all to itself, and so a conservative estimate of how long it would take the Windows version to catch up would not be too far off from those five years. In practice, we like to think it won’t take quite that long because the development style on the Mac is, having nothing else quite like it, the one breaking the ice. The Windows version is following a proven path, ignoring all of the pitfalls and such that the Mac version has made, and has since reversed on in the, at the time of this writing, close to seven years of time it has been in the making. So in theory it should not take the Windows version quite as long, as it won’t need to first implement an idea one way, and then another way a few years later, it can just go straight to the final destination.

Despite being able to code to a relatively stable and finished target (to be clear, the Mac development effort continues unabated, and so is a bit of a moving target!), the enormous effort that it takes to create complex software means even with a clear road-map, it takes a long time to get anything done. Scrivener for the Mac comprises hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and the Windows version sometimes has to “say” more in code than the Mac does, owing to the differences in platforms. The Mac, for instances, comes with a nearly complete word processing system built into it, whereas on Windows we had to code much of what you see in Scrivener from scratch. That right there is enough work to keep most small development companies busy for years.

To return to the point: there is no need to remind us of the fact that there is a feature on the Mac version that isn’t yet in the Windows version, and post it as a “wish”. We are well aware of our own features, and have these things plotted out far in advance. The fact that it is not in the Windows version yet means nothing, save for everything discussed in the prior paragraph: we still have years of work ahead of us! We thank you for your patience and understand on the matter.

Finally, remember that because I am one person, my time is limited and sometimes my replies will inevitably seem curt. I do my best not to seem rude, but hey, it happens. :slight_smile: Follow the above rules and I am less likely to seem so. :smiley:

I really do appreciate the suggestions that have helped make Scrivener better over the years - thank you for your continued support!

All the best,


Too many smileys.

Pip pip!

I beg your pardon? The smileys are supposed to negate the “DON’T BE RUDE OR ELSE” message. See? :slight_smile:

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It was a stylistic comment.

I abhor the things.

Pip pip!

I’m not a big fan myself, generally, but they seem to creep in to my posts more often than not.

Then again, what about this “Pip pip” business, eh?


It’s an affectation.

Wodehousian, if there’s such a thing.

Goes with the panama hat.

Pip pip!

Yes, those annoying little emoticons can tend to take the sting out of something or convey the true intent of what are otherwise words on a page with no, well, no emotion attached. Most of our communication has nothing to do with words so yeah, these little faces have their place. It took me a while to use them since I thought they were kind of silly. Now, I use them whenever I feel it’s appropriate. My personal favorite: 8)


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Interesting affectation for someone with a beagle for an avatar. :wink: Arf, Arf!

That’s no avatar, that’s my dog.

Former champion truffle hound, currently resting.

Will be under pressure to perform this winter.

Pip pip!

A very cool dog. A truffle hound. Looks like a beagle. Are they the same or similar? I know nothing about truffles except how to eat one.


She’s a beagle (a kind of hound), trained to find truffles.

When she can be bothered.

This winter I may have to adopt the “no truffle, no bone” approach.

Pip pip!

Hey KB,

Was writing in full screen mode and I realized it was a pain to have to move the cursor to the bottom, click on icon to take me back to the main screen, and then find where I last was working. Might be good to be able to ie; control/some key or cmd/key to take you back to your last screen so you could more easily switch back and forth.


(1) Press ESC to leave full screen

(2) Nice dog!

(3) Smileys are OK. :open_mouth:

(4) SCR is 99% done. If it had a beer dispeneser/opener then it would be 100%.

(5) Scrivener 2.0 will have exploding goats, teleportation, lazer beams, and comes preloaded on a free MBP with purchase of SCR 2.0 which will retail for $5999.00 USD. The new spell checker in 2.0 MBPFREE also has a new feature to improve usage of language. It electrocutes you every time you misspell a word.

The free MBP pro comes in two available colors (Cheeseball Orange or Raging Pink). All text will be preformated at a default setting of 24 point bold which is unchangeable in any preferences and SCR 2.0 will also come with 100 free MySpace Templates that will knock your socks off!

(6) Keith is actually a code name (Team Keith) for a small party of elite coders who operate under the radar of the corporate sector gaining sustenance from cheese balls and beer.

Truth be told SCR is great as is. I for see probably a few updates for OS compatibility but other than that what else can you truly do? (except exploding goats and beer openers).


Also, please could you post items like this in the main forum rather than in reply to this sticky topic? Thanks! As has already been said, Escape does what you want; as does alt-cmd-F.

Oh. :blush: No wonder she, er, looked like a beagle…

This is very minor and I don’t mind if you totally ignore it, but something came up today which would have been nice…

As I was writing a scene, I looked at the notecard in the Inspector where I had a list of things that I needed to happen in that scene, and thought how nice it would be to be able to “strike-through” each item as I handled it.

As I said, no big deal, but I thought I’d mention it.

I continue to love your program!

Hi Keith

Seems like you are already working on my dream come true. After I’ve finished the novel, I’ll be working on a screenplay version of the same material. If you can pull it off, having Final Draft recognize the elements from Scrivener would be amazing! Your corkboard is way more flexible that Final Draft… So I’m looking forward. Thanks for designing such amazing software.

Take care


I’m trying out Scrivener. I really like the “nonlinear” aspect of it. I agree with the methodology. I tend to write various scraps of my book in pieces. I needed some sort of program that would hold all my pieces and allow me to easily arrange them as I “grew” my book. I searched all around and eventually stumbled upon Scrivener (I think someone mentioned it in some forum post somewhere). It’s a great program as it helps me keep track of all my writing bits and pieces, and lets me arrange them as I add more writing bits.

And now some musings as I take a step back and examine how my book writing is coming along.

I’m targeting Amazon’s Kindle as my platform. With a small modification I can also target the EPUB format for other non-kindle e-readers. What I’m finding is that even with Scrivener I’m still still stuck with a “linear” methodology in that the idea is 1) first I write my book, then 2) I format my book.

As a programmer I decided my first book would be “Advanced Kindle Formatting”, as I learn how to format books for Kindle. There’s a lot of in-depth discussion of HTML, with lots of code examples. What I’m finding is how I write my book depends in part on how I can make it look on Kindle. I’ll try out various different things and see how it looks in Kindle Previewer.

This means my writing fragments are .htm files, which I can load into a web browser for an instant view of how it looks, or for a more accurate preview I can load it into Kindle Previewer and wait a few seconds for it to compile and display.

So I’m collecting numerous .htm files. In Scrivener I’ve made each tree leaf node a link to each .htm file. (Document References > Look up & Add External Reference.) Not sure how well that’s going to work out.

I use my favorite HTML editor for editing the HTML. It’s a traditional standalone program. Then I have my favorite web browser displaying a quick view of how my .htm file looks. And I have Kindle Previewer to give me a more accurate view of how my .htm file will display. And I have an actual Kindle to show me how it really looks on an actual Kindle, since there are some things the Kindle Previewer program doesn’t emulate well. That takes even longer to get the file over to my real Kindle to see how it looks there, so I don’t do that often. And I have Scrivener to tie together all the .htm files into a tree. That’s a lot of standalone programs, and they’re not really integrated together, other than they’re all on the same computer.

I don’t have any concrete suggestions yet. Just reviewing where I am. Well don’t know if this feedback is any helpful but since I’ve already written it might as well submit it. Cheers!

A tip on previewing with an actual Kindle: plug it into your computer. It will come up like a USB disk. Just drop the .mobi file into the “documents” folder, eject it, and it’ll pop up in the book list iimmediatel. Much faster than use e-mail.

(raises hand)

Dumb question. Having never used the Mac version, how do I know what features are available in the Mac version so as to know what will show up in Windows? Or is this all OBE now, and it’s just little gotchas being fixed and new features being added to both? I truly don’t want to say, “this would be cool.” if it’s already something planned and I just didn’t know it existed in the Mac version because, well, see above.

Thankyouverymuch. KC
(walks away mumbling)