My Scapple Wish List

  1. Make connectors able to be modified as to color and weight, also arrows should have options as to “hollow” or “filled” and size
  2. Allow Layers for complex Scapple diagrams, where entries can be assigned to Layers and then specific Layers hidden or not. See uploaded doc
  3. Add “magnets” to Notes so that the connectors are forced to connect to North/South/East/West or other user selected spots on Notes
  4. Add Mac command combinations for frequently used functions, like align Notes to the Left, Distribute vertically, etc.
    Tribal.scap (23.0 KB)
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I’m locking this, as all of these already have existing discussion threads, or can be done already. If you have any further thoughts to add to one of them specifically, they would be better raised in these topics:

  1. Connection formatting.
  2. Layers.
  3. Magnet points for connections.
  4. Custom keyboard shortcuts are a universal Mac feature.