Readalong: Bleak House, instalment 12, ch36-38

I can’t believe it’s November already! I don’t know how the weeks have slipped past me so quickly, but I must own up to not yet having read October’s instalment of Bleak House. So I have a double-dose of Dickens to look forward to this month. :slight_smile:

November’s instalment was originally published in February 1853, and consists of Chapters 36 to 38.

Please do read along and join in the discussion. You can start at any point, and post your comments in our related discussion threads for previous instalments (which you can find listed below).

The full text of Bleak House can be downloaded from Project Gutenberg and Standard Ebooks, and audiobook versions are available from LibriVox.

You can find our previous discussions on Bleak House as follows: