Scrivener 3 Themes (Windows)

Thank you! That was the Info I was looking for.
I just did a real quick test and edited the first 5 lines in the .pal to black. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


On first sight it seems like this did the trick. :grinning:

Thank you for sharing the knowledge!

By the wayā€¦ after may unsuccessful attempts I have figured out a way to run Scrivener 3 100% Fullscreen in Windows.
Meaning there is no Titlebar and no taskbar Visible.
Keep in mind, that once in Fullscreen, you cannot minimize Scrivener by clicking on the minimize button in the Titlebarā€¦ since itā€™s simply not there anymore ; )
To get around this, the user just needs to press Window>Minimize in Scrivener

I did it with the Open Source Application ā€œBorderless Gamingā€

If you want to try it out, I recommend downloading Version 9.5.1 (just scroll down on the releases Page) all versions above 9.5.1 have an ad running inside of the program. 9.5.1 runs perfectly fine though.
To download do not click the Banner, since this will redirect you to their Steam page, where you need to pay for the program. Instead click the small arrow next to ā€œassetsā€ and the download the setup directly from there. It is free.

Attention! Do not use this unless you are a ā€œexperiencedā€ windows user.
Alsoā€¦ try it out first on a test project in scrivener. (do not test it on your main project without having made a backup)

One interesting thing I have experienced is that once a scrivener Project has been set to " Fullscreen" via ā€œBorderless Gamingā€ it seems that the Fullscreen setting is stored inside of the scrivener Project once it has been saved.
That means if the project is opened on another machine that does not have ā€œBordeless Gamingā€ installed, it will still run in Fullscreen. Maybe someone else can confirm this?
If this is the case, it probably should be quite easy to implement this as a permanent feature into scrivener. Maybe a heads up to the Devs would make sense in this case.

I hope this one makes someone happy : )

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Royal Black
by Tn

Uses the same system of @AntoniDolā€™s SolarizedDarkWhiteBinderIconTheme with the white arrows.
This theme is specifically created for dark mode lovers.
It aims to reduce as much light as possible without making it look too grim by adding a royal blue accent to it.

Enjoy, and have a nice day. :slightly_smiling_face: (94.7 KB)

Edit(2023/12/15): Fixed link colors as mentioned below, as well as the scratchpad colors.


Nice theme, @Tn!

It was smart to reuse @AntoniDolā€™s icons. :nerd_face: Loved the royal blue accent.

Only thing I tweaked was the color of links (File > Options > Appearance > Textual Marks > Colors > Links). I set it to a blue #0093dc, as I found the gold color inherited from @AntoniDolā€™s SolarizedDarkWhiteBinderIconTheme too dark for my aging eyes. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Thanks for sharing this cool theme!



Hi, @JimRac .

I guess re-checking the .prefs colors went over my head after setting all the colors in .pal first.
I have now updated the .zip file with the intended colors.
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for telling me!

Hope you have a nice day.



I havenā€™t been here for a whileā€¦ So happy to see this : )
Thank you so much for posting it.

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Hello friends! I have been mooching off this lovely forum for a year or two now and decided it was time to learn to make my own themes!

Just in case it helps anyone else to learn how to edit themes better, I used This page to help me with the QSS aspects and This page to help me with the Palette aspects!

I made two very similar themes: Daylight Calm Tides and Dusk Calm Tides. Hereā€™s what they look like:

Feel free to use them to your heartā€™s content! Here are those downloads:
Daylight Calm Tides.scrtheme (33.0 KB)
Dusk Calm Tides.scrtheme (32.8 KB)


Here is an attempt to port the VS Code SynthWave '84 theme:

Feel free to comment or fill an issue.


Love it! Nice to see a Theme that looks great and feels complete.

Just wondering why Theme-builders donā€™t go beyond what seems possible with the standard Stylesheet, while thereā€™s so much more available to themā€¦

Need improvement for sure, still WIP (I use Scrivener for 10 days for a side project).
Itā€™s just the result of a couple of hours of work. Will probably dig a little deeper later.
But donā€™t hesitate to fill a github issue, it will help me to improve the theme.

Let me say this: Qt Style Sheets Reference | Qt Widgets 5.15.16

Have fun! :wink:


Yes I had already seen that to understand how it works. Thank you

3 posts were split to a new topic: Way of making dark mode text highlights more readable

Itā€™s a wonderful theme, very easy on my old eyes. Iā€™m really enjoying it. Thanks for sharing! :smiley_cat:

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oh a truly lovely theme, very easy on my eyes!! love it!!

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I tried the link, but it does not work? Has the link changed? (Iā€™ve been looking everywhere for a free brown Scrivener theme for my Gaslamp fantasy)

The Mocha Mint theme, to be clear.

Have you tried the Latte theme upthread?

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Donā€™t forget to scroll down to the DarkRoasted version. :wink:

Oh, thank you! Sorry I didnā€™t see it XD the search function likes being difficult. This is perfect.
(I actually think I have another one of your themesā€¦ Dark Forest? I really love that one too, itā€™s most excellent.)

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