Scrivener for Windows...

I’m planning to check out the beta for NaNo. I’ve played with Scrivener before but it didn’t really work how I would. I figure this is a good time to try it again on with the computers I use regularly. Right now I use yWriter, which I’m pretty happy with but I like checking out new writing software.

Gosh… I can’t wait any longer. Is it still the 25th when the beta is meant to be released?

What are the vital differences between the Windows and the Mac versions? I was all about to buy a Mac next year, but this may convince me to stay with a PC…

Aww man…

You still might want to look into going the mac route for a few reasons none of which I will mention here as folks seem to get a bit testy when one tries to provide an explanation. If you (or anyone else) want to know some of the non-OS-political advantages to going Mac let me know via PM

Operating systems aside, the 2.0 version of Scrivener is by virtue of being a version 2 product, ahead of the Windows version in features. But, Windows is not standing still. Primary goal over this following year is getting Windows up to 2.0 status—so sticking with your preferred or existing platform will not, in the long run, harm you. People have been using and publishing works with Scrivener 1.0 tech for years. :slight_smile:

Wow! That’s all I can say. I never thought I’d use a writing software. I’m now trying out the Windows Beta version and have fell in love. This will make my life so much easier. Thank you. I can’t wait to get my permanent version.


Ann Hite
Ghost On Black Mountain
Gallery Books (imprint of Simon & Schuster)
available Fall of 2011

Thank you Ann! Glad that you are enjoying Scrivener for Windows. We’ll get that permanent version ready for you early next year. Freshly polished, with more features and less bugs. :smiley:

All the best,

after a few years in the mac world, most of the software that made me dream yesterday have lost their light, except for Scrivener, i was considering of losing it anyway in returning to the windows world, when i’ve learned a windows version would be available !!!

I’ve not much time to test it for now, but i can’t manage to open my mac scrivener documents… so here’s my big question : will the scrivener mac files will be openable by the window version ?

Thanks for this portage anyway, it’s a must have !!!

Scrivener for Windows can open documents made with Scrivener for Mac version 2.0, which is also currently in beta.

Actually, it’s no longer in beta, but otherwise, yes. :slight_smile:

Well, it’s not in full release yet, so I guess that makes it what, gamma? :smiley:

so i must buy scrivener 2 for mac to use my docs on scrivener Windows ? i think i will recreate the docs, cheaper solution :slight_smile:

The 1.x Mac version used some Mac-only file formats which is why the Windows version cannot open 1.x .scriv files. We spent a lot of time redesigning the format so that it would work for both platforms.

This is the most amazing and easy to learn writing program I have used. I cannot wait to get the official program. Will the beta truly become non working Dec. 12? I’m willing to buy it in the beta format just so I can continue using it. Thanks for helping us in window world.

I’m a misanthrope when it comes to computers. PC, Mac, Indigo. Doesn’t matter. All computers suck. All operating systems suck. It’s just a matter of which type of suck I want to deal with personally. :wink:

You’re a person who hates people when it comes to computers? :wink:

[size=75](Remember, “misanthrope” comes from the Greek words “miso” and “anthropos”, which are “hate” and “man (person)”, respectively…)[/size]


I agree, but I also disagree. It isn’t the computers or OS or software that suck, it is the design that sucks. The design is an human effort as the computer or OS or software can not design itself. This means that the inanimate object, the computer or OS or software, can not suck. Leaving us with the humans being the source of the suckage and hence, it is the humans that suck.

As to the actual point I was making, If you have to choose “which type of suck” you must endure, I would suggest that Apple gives you the most options at the lowest overall TCO if you really want the ability to “choose” based on experience.

But I have been told this is not the forum for this discussion.

Wouldn’t that be interpretable via context (not a greek scholar by any stretch)? Something like

I expect to be corrected into oblivion. Have at it.

Yes, I understood what he meant. I was simply being pedantic (if there’s one place I figure I can be pedantic about language, it’s among a bunch of writers), though trying to be less-than-serious about it.

But the definition of the word still stands. I found the juxtaposition of using a word that explicitly refers to human beings being used in reference to computers to be amusing. :slight_smile:

Could be he is a cyborg which would make it technically more accurate while simultaneously more freaky.

Sounds like misanthropomorphising to me.